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It was 4am in the morning and you felt a bit of wetness on your sheets . Please tell me I haven't peed on Harry !! Oh no ..... That's not pee . Your waters had broke . You started to shake Harry . "Haz baby please wake up" you cried out in a little pain. Harry finally woke up running his eyes. "Y/n if your craving mc Donald's I'm not getting it again " then he looked at you and seen you tear stained cheeks . "No no baby whats wrong" you then lifted your sheets and Harry realised your water had broken.

"Come on y/n I'll help you into the car"Harry said . You tried to walk but you were in so much pain so Harry ended up carrying you .

Skip the car journey 💑

When you arrived at the hospital you were brought into your own private room. You were in so much pain and was so happy when you were offered some pain relief. You weren't trying to be mean but Harry was getting really annoying. It was just your hormones but wow he was annoying. " it's okay baby come on it will be worth it" "Harry can you please shut up you don't understand how much f*cking painful it is " . You know you shouldn't of said it like that and now harry is sulking in the chair beside you .

Half an hour later Harry still wasnt taking to you . You were in so much pain but Harry thought you were still only on the first stages of labour and it wasn't hurting that bad . Then the Doctor came in and said you were 9 and half centimetres dilated. Harry looked at you and realised the pain he had just let you go through alone .

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry I didn't no you were that far along ... I was just angry you swore at me .... I'm so sorry kitten " you looked up and Harry and tears stated to stream down your face . "Haz it hurts so bad" you cried. Harry just stroked your head  and gave your hand a tight squeeze .

The doctor came in and said "okay y/n it's time to push" . Your not gonna lie your were definitely ready to get this baby out. "Okay babe push really hard okay ... I love you so much yeah "

You pushed down as hard as you could . " okay babe one more push and we'll have our little one " you pushed down and let your loudest scream out .

The little cries were the best thing you have ever heard ." Baby it's a girl we have a little girl" Harry cried out in happiness.

You held her and she was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen .

The nurse came in and asked did you have any names . You smiled and said " Darcy Anne Styles" . Harry was so happy you picked Darcy.

"Y/n I'm so proud of you you and Darcy are everything "

" I love you haz "

You couldn't be more happy .



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