He forgets your birthday

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It was 10 am when you woke up and you quickly remembered it was your 21st birthday . You moved your hand across the bed and to your surprise harry was already up. You thought to yourself that harry must be downstairs making you a special birthday breakfast !!!!

As you made you way downstairs you noticed a fully dressed harry and he had a bag in his hand . Harry turned around and smiled at you saying "hey babe you'll never guess what me and some of the lads from Holmes chapel are going into London for the night I'm so excited" you looked at him in shock and told him to have a good time. Harry gave you a hug and a kiss and made his way on his "lads trip"

It was about 1pm and you had figured it had to be the worst birthday ever.you heard a knock at the door and thought it must be the pizza you ordered for breakfast .... Yes breakfast .. But it wasn't it was Harry's sister Gemma and Louis girlfriend Danielle . They looked at you and of course you were still in your pjs . "Hey y/n what are you doing still not dressed it's your birthday" gem cheered. You couldn't hold it in any more and you just burst into floods of tears. Gemma and Danielle looked at you in shock at you just let them into your and Harry's shared home . After you explained to the girls about harry forgetting your birthday of course both of them were furious at him. Gemma look at you and said " well Hun you better go get ready because just cause my idiot of a brother forget about your birthday doesn't mean we did and we are going to party" she cheered . You just laughed at her and you and the girls started to get ready 💕💕

You thought you were just going for dinner with gem and dani but when you arrived at the restaurant everyone was there including the rest if the 1d lads... Of course the most important person wasn't there ...... Harry 😔😔

Harry's pov

I was having a blast with all the lads and I just went to the bathroom and decided to check my phone and I had loads of text messages from Liam Niall Louis and gem

Louis : please tell me you actually didn't forget ..

Forget what

Gem : omfg harry you are the biggest idiot I actually know right now how did you forget such an important day for y/n I'm am so pissed at you right now bro

Liam : go check nialls insta

I quickly went on to nialls insta and when I seen his resent upload I nearly cried. It was a picture of everyone smiling around y/n and he had captioned it " a big happy 21st birthday to this girl ❤️❤️"

How could I forget her birthday ....

I quickly ran and got a taxi and told him to drive me home as fast as he could but deep down I knew it wouldn't make it in time 😥😥

When I arrived home it was really late and I noticed y/ns heels by the door and couldn't help but smile . I walked up to our bedroom and saw her curled up in a ball with smudged make up and tear drenched cheeks .... And the worst part was that I knew it was because of me . I walked over to her a gave her a peck on the forehead which made her walk up.

When she looked up at me I could see the tears fill in her eyes and I quickly pulled her into a hug . " I can't believe you forgot haz" she quietly whispered.
"I'm so so so sorry y/n I just don't know what I was thinking " y/n nodded and it was her way of saying okay but I knew she was still really hurt . "How about I take this week off and it will just be about me and you and of course you can pick out whatever presents you want for your birthday baby " y/n chuckled and snuggled into my shirt as we were still cuddled up and all we both really wanted to do was cuddle up together and fall asleep ... So that's what we did .



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