Chapter One; Introductions.

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"Casey. Can you come into my office for a moment please?" Chief Wallace Boden asked. "Sure thing sir." Casey responded. Moments later he entered the office. A man was sitting down on the couch and Chief was on his desk. "Casey, this is Peter Mills. Peter this is Matt Casey." Chief introduced. "Ah, the new guy. Good to have you here." Casey said. "I'm glad to be here. I'm very excited. People usually call me Mills." Mills said. "sure, thats what we will call you." Casey said. "Now Casey, i'd like you to take him out and show him around. Introduce him to everyone else." Chief Boden said before sitting down behind his desk. "Yes sir." Casey said.

Casey showed Mills around and the last stop was the kitchen/ dining room where everyone else was. "Guys this is Mills, Mills this is everyone." Casey said. He introduced Mills to everyone separately before walking out to take the call on his ringing phone. "So Mills, what made you want to become a firefighter?" Mouch asked. "My dad was one, and I wanted to follow in his steps." Mills responded. Just before Mouch could respond, the fire alarm went off. "Car accident on Ocean Avenue." The voice said. "Mills, you ride with us." Casey responded. They put their gear on then climbed in their trucks before speeding off.

When the firemen arrived to the scene of the accident, glass was shattered everywhere. Two cars were flipped over and one had burst into flames. The car that wasn't on fire had two people trapped inside it, quite bloody. Severride and some of his men made their way over to try and get them out. Casey brought his men to put the fire out.

They got back to the firehouse around 8 at night. It was time for some food. "Mills do you know how to cook?" Casey asked. "Of course i do. My mom owns her own diner. I worked there before coming here." Mills answered. "Well make us something then. Let's see what you got." Casey said. Mills made spaghetti with meatballs and a salad to go along with it with garlic bread. "Well damn. This looks good." Leslie Shay stated as she sat down. Everyone agreed with her before taking their places.


Kailey woke up with a start. "Oh, it was just a silly dream." She muttered to herself tossing the covers back and getting out of her cozy bed. The alarm clock said 8:00 am. She had an hour before she had to be at her job. She was a writer at Cosmopolitan. It wasn't a bad job, but she wanted to be a firefighter. She went into her bathroom that was connected to her bedroom and took a shower. When she came out, She walked into her Master Closet and picked out a pair of jeans, uggs, a tshirt and a hoodie to wear today. She quickly got dressed then did her hair and makeup before grabbing her phone. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge. She checked her phone and saw a message from Matt Casey. "Had to leave early for filming. Didn't want to disturb you. Love you. xo" She smiled and locked her phone. She was sort of dating Matt Casey from Chicago Fire. they've been seeing each other for the past few weeks. He made her happy. She sighed throwing the yogurt away and putting her spoon in the sink. Time for work.

8pm. She was finally home from work. Matt would be joining her soon and he had plans to take her out to dinner. She went upstairs to take a quick shower before picking an outfit out. They were going to some fancy restaurant downtown. So she had to pick out something nice to wear. She finally decided on a shortish black dress with white heels. She went downstairs to wait for him to come home. A few minutes later, she heard the door opening. She saw him and smiled. He always looked handsome. When he saw her, it was like time stopped. He stared at her before walking over to her. “Well, hello beautiful.” He said giving her a kiss. “Hey handsome.” She responded. “Let me go upstairs and get changed then we can go.” He said kissing her once more before heading upstairs.

            When they got to the restaurant, it was somewhat quiet. They sat in an area that was private. “So, I have some good news.” He said after they ordered their drinks. “What’s that?” Kailey asked. Firehouse 51 is looking for a replacement paramedic since Shay quit to work somewhere else. I know you want to be a firefighter but I think being a paramedic would be a great start.” He finished. She thought about it before responding. Being a firefighter was her ultimate dream job and she knew that she could work up to it. If she did accept the job to be a paramedic, she’d be working with her boyfriend. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing but it was worth a try. “Sure, I guess that’s a good start.” Kailey finally said after a moment of silence. “Alright, I will let Chief know that you accepted. Once I talk to him, I’ll let you know when you start.” Casey said. “Sounds good to me.” She said. The waiter came back a few minutes later and took their orders for dinner. Kailey decided to order Chicken Alfredo and Casey got a hamburger with fries.

            They finally got home around 9pm. Kailey went upstairs and changed into her pajamas. She got into bed and turned the TV on. Casey joined her a few minutes later. They decided to cuddle and watch a movie before falling asleep.

Two weeks later, Kailey started her job at the firehouse. Casey introduced her to everyone and she really liked Dawson. They both got along perfectly. Since Kailey didn’t have any experience being a Paramedic, Dawson had to explain everything to her. Kailey was able to learn quickly. Before she knew it, it was time for lunch. Mills had made Peso Salad with Chicken. It was pretty delicious. “Where did you learn to cook so well?” Kailey asked when they were done eating. “I learned from my mom.” He responded. They talked for a bit longer before they heard the alarm go off. “Apartment fire on 21 State Avenue. Calling all firetrucks and ambulances.” Kailey ran and got into the ambulance and Dawson sped off, following the firetrucks.

            When they got there moments later, the whole apartment was on fire. “I don’t even think it’s possible to enter.” Chief said as he was studying the building. Dawson and Kailey stood side by side waiting to see if anyone needed any help. A guy came running over to them. He had a cut on his head and he looked like he was burnt. “My daughter is still in that building on the second floor.” He said. He looked like he was about ready to cry. “I’m sorry sir, but no one can go in there. The whole building is on fire.” Dawson said while cleaning his cut. “But she can’t die. What kind of firemen don’t go in to try to save someone’s life?” He asked now angry. “Sir, I don’t get what you don’t understand. They aren’t able to enter. She’s probably dead already.” Dawson said. He broke down right then and there. Kailey wasn’t sure what to do.

            A little while later, they were back at the station. “Well, that was insane.” Kailey commented. “Believe me, you haven’t seen anything yet compared to that.” Casey said sitting beside her. “No, but I felt bad for the guy.” Kailey said. “We couldn’t do anything. It was impossible to get into the building.” Casey said.  “Do you sleep here?” Kailey asked. “Some nights I do.” Casey responded. Even though they were together, they didn’t stay together sometimes. He went home or stayed at the firehouse.  Otherwise they were rarely seen apart. “Kailey, Do you want to go out for some coffee?” Dawson asked walking in. “sure that seems fun.” Kailey responded. She gave Casey a quick kiss before walking out with Dawson. “You know, I think you’ll fit in nicely here. It’s nice to have another girl around.” Dawson responded. “Yeah, I’m glad to be here. Can I ask why Shay quit?” Kailey asked. “She wanted to go somewhere else to be with her girlfriend. Her girlfriend treats her like shit, So I don’t really understand why she’d ditch us like that.” Dawson said. Before Kailey could respond, they arrived at Starbucks.

            Starbucks was fun. It was around 5pm and they just got back to the Firehouse. “So does anyone have any suggestions for dinner?” Mills asked. “Steak and mashed potatoes sounds good right now. Let’s just hope it’s better than Casey’s cooking.” Kailey said with a smirk. He playfully glared at her. “What’s wrong with my cooking?” He asked. “You burn food.” Kailey responded. Everyone laughed. “I’m gonna get you for that.” He said. “Oh shit.” Kailey said and took off running as Casey followed close behind. “Are they always like that?” Mills asked. “Yeah. Those two are always playing around.” Hermann responded. “But they make a cute couple.” Dawson responded.

Dinner was ready a little while later. Casey and Kailey came out to join them. They both had messy hair. “That’s some nice sex hair you two have.” Severide pointed out. Everyone started laughing as Kailey and Casey blushed before sitting down. All of them ate silently. “This is amazing.” Kailey said after awhile. Everyone else agreed with her. “Thanks.” Mills responded. The rest of the day flew by afterwards. “I’m gonna go home but text me.” Kailey told Casey. “Alright babe. I love you.” He said leaning in to kiss her. “I love you too.” Kailey responded after they broke apart. Casey watched her leave before going to join the rest of the guys.

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