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I answered him with a nod without thinking. Smiling, he held out his hand for me to take, which I gladly took hold of. Our fingers fit perfectly between one another, and he dragged me toward the middle of the dancing floor. People parted as we walked through, and I could feel all eyes on us. My cheeks heated up, because I knew I would get embarrassed from what dancing skills that I didn’t have. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he placed both of his hands on my hips, and together, we started dancing. The surprising thing? Because of him, and the magic radiating inside of my body, I didn’t screw up. Meaning I didn’t step on his feet or anything. When the song picked up a little more speed, we changed positions. We clasped our hands together and danced to the barely slow rhythm and tempo to the beat.

We glided across the floor effortless. Whenever we did a spin/turn, the audience around us would clap. We smiled at one another, enjoying ourselves. Soon enough, though, others began filing onto the dance floor, dancing along with us. I threw my head back and laughed, something that was rarely done by me. Beside us, Derek and Bethany joined in, right at the end of the song. But that was okay, because a faster beat song was being played not only by the pianist, but also someone playing the violin and cello. Now this was the dance that I enjoyed most, and Logan knew it. His eyes were saying it all.

Logan then did a move that I didn’t expect. He tossed me away, our fingers still clasped together, and then twirled me back in. At first I thought I was going to trip over my feet during the move, but I didn’t. It was effortless, and I didn’t know any of these dancing skills were in me until me and Logan actually started dancing.

Two songs later, and then some man with what looked like a beer gut, graying hair and a bushy mustache, stepped on stage. He was wearing an expensive suit that much I could tell, from the way it look tailored and kind of glistened in the light. Once he grabbed the microphone off of its stand, he cleared his throat. Everyone took their spot at their table, and he smiled at everybody, nodding to a couple of people here and there, me being of them. I put on my best face, pretending that I was excited to be here, though in my eyes if someone looked close enough, they’d be able to tell that I didn’t want to, and if I had a say in it, I wouldn’t be here. Then again, I actually kind of did have fun, though I was ashamed to admit because I danced with Logan. Being in his presence after last night’s stunt should make me feel resentful toward him, but I got the complete opposite feeling. Maybe because his vulnerable self was still implanted freshly into my memory. Yeah, that had to be it.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I take it everyone is having a fantastic evening?” Cheers erupted all over the place, and the man laughed. “I’m Fredrick, but you all can call me Fred, if you want. Tonight is the night for new and upcoming witches. Some of you here have already turned seventeen, and a few of you are years older but have come to support friends or family. I want to start off by explaining on why each and every single one of you had to come with a partner, a date, if you will.”

Oh, so was what I wanted to know. Why, of all people, I had to come with Logan. Not like I minded anymore… for the time being, anyway.

“A witch is immediately given a partner a month before their birthday, and that partner is what one would call soul mate, the person you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life. You will always have feelings for that person only, and nobody else, though some people like to leave their partners for someone else because the bond between them can be too strong. If one does not have a partner, then they’re a half-witch, and all half-witches must die. Why you ask? Because they can be a problem too all the other full-blooded witches.”

I blinked, a little confused. Logan and I were meant to be together? Were they serious? And how was half-witches a problem to full-blooded witches? None of this was making any freaking sense to me, and when something didn’t make sense, well, I got annoyed. And me being annoyed right now would not go over so well.

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