Facing the Truth

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Facing the Truth

Alec got rid of the body and I cleaned the back of the minivan, scrubbing out all the blood and making sure to spray enough air freshener so that it didn’t smell. After we finished, we helped ourselves to something cold to drink and thought aloud on what could have possibly happened to Darrell and why someone would do that to him. I knew I probably would have killed him too if he didn’t give me the answers like Caroline, but who knew if he would have caved or not. Most definitely not me now that he was dead. Who could have done it? Why would they do it? Did he know something that he shouldn’t have? Did he commit a crime or whatever? So many questions and possibilities, but there was no way of knowing now.

I sighed and ran through my hair, taking a sip of my hot chocolate, one of my all time favorite drinks. Alec was drinking some of the alcohol my adoptive parents kept in the cupboard. I had never tried it before, but there were stories that went around my old school saying it was the bomb and it made you not think about anything but the present and having a good time. For me, the smell of it was a turnoff, and so was watching some drunk people. Some were angry drunks, others were depressed drunks, but majority of the teenagers that I had seen drunk in my lifetime, were crazy. Take Samantha and Carlie for example.

Besides my birthday, there was one other time that I witnessed them drinking, and it was at Samantha’s sixteenth birthday party. Her parents were out of town, but her brother, who was twenty-two, bought alcohol and threw a party for her. And because at that time she was more of a friend toward me, I went because it was for her birthday. Any other time I would have turned it down. Anyway, she and Carlie got so wasted, they took all their clothes off, ran around the house with a bunch of horny male teenagers who would do anything to catch those girls naked, and jumped into the pool. After seeing that, I was disgusted and left. Had called Caroline to pick me up and take me home.

But now, as I watched him sip on it, staring at the wall, a part of me wanted to try it. To see what the big deal was. Not only that, but another part of me wanted to attend a party. To actually be there and not sit back and watch the crowd mingle and be idiots by myself. Besides, I was a witch, and a total different person, so I could make anything happen, and with Alec’s help, it could be a badass party. Just thinking about this made me excited, and I sat up straight, slamming my hands on the table. It startled Alec, and he turned to face me with curious eyes. I grinned at my cousin and told him that I wanted to throw a party this Friday. There was plenty of alcohol, but we could get more if we wanted. Alec knew more things than I did when it came to magic, so he could use it at some alcohol store, maybe? I didn’t know. All I did know was that after today and yesterday, I wanted to have some more fun. Fun that didn’t involve my dark magic. Alec was all for it, which was surprising.

“Sounds like a fantastic idea. I can invite some people. But where could we hold the party? This neighborhood is usually quiet, and some of the neighbors may call the police if it gets too loud.”

I grinned, shaking my head. “This is no problem. If we can’t have it here, and people don’t mind driving an hour, we could have it at my old house in Loganville.”

He looked thoughtful for a moment, thinking this over. In the end, he nodded. “Yeah. My friends, and practically everyone at school who loves party, don’t mind driving far if the party could be worth it. and trust me, with you and I planning it, it could be damn well worth it.”

“Good,” I said, nodding my head in agreement. “And besides, I don’t want certain people crashing it either.” He knew who I was talking about.

“Agreed. How about we meet here after school on Friday, gather up the alcohol here, get some more,” he said, his eyes twinkling at the thought of how we could get more alcohol, “and head up there to set it up.”

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