1 question!

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Me~ we've been painting my room, so I haven't been seeing all the questions and all.

Hoodie~ It was purpe! -.- SO MUCH PURPLE!!!!

Me~ What's wrong with purple!?

Masky~Aww, there first fight!

Me and Hoodie~ WHAT!?

Masky~ Now there even talking at the same time!

Me~*starts freaking out... starts to rage* hoya! *punches Masky in the stomach* HOW CUTE IS THAT BUSTAH!?!?

Masky~ Not much.

Sammy~ O.o well the question issss, from Skullstar02 she says Masky: What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? Slender: awwwww! You do have feelings!

Masky~ Well, one time Jeff was trying to set me on fire when Ben came out of the bathroom, naked *shudders* it was so disturbing.

Slendy~ WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAAAAAATTTT!?!?!? *starts freaking out and raging* GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *throws a chair at you*

Me~ Well, let's end this part before Slendy does anything TOO bad!

Hoodie~ so... much...PURPLE!!!

Me~ Hoodie, don't make a scene darling!

Hoodie~ O.o What the hell?

Liu~ Bye people!

*curtains close*

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