1. Intro

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"Judar, are you certain this will work?" a man's gruff voice rung out. His priestly robes swayed as he directed his gaze on the Magi.

Judar twirled his metal rod between his fingers, grinning down at the table below him.

"I'm more than sure. Everything has been prepared and the Rukh is flowing through her. It's all on me now," Judar's smile widened as he spoke, his fingertips combing through the snow white locks of hair that were sprawled out over the table. "Leave us," he commanded without looking back. The priest gave a short bow and exited the room, closing the heavy door behind him.

Judar's brow twitched and a wave of anxiety flooded over his body, but only for a moment before he recollected himself.

He let out a hefty sigh. "Alright, Lady Natalia. Let's get started," he said quietly, the tips of his fingers grazing the temples of the corpse that laid on the table before him.

The room filled with Rukh, both light and dark. A low hum caused the walls to vibrate and the candles to flicker.

Low whispers rattled through the air. The clinking of chains could be heard even though there were none present.

The atmosphere grew so thick that the magi himself found it hard to focus on the task at hand.

"Now, we just need," Judar started, lifting his small rod above the girl's body. With a single, swift movement, he brought the rod down directly into the girl's chest. "A point of entry," he continued quietly. Blood gushed from the wound, only to soon be filled with Rukh of purple and gold. Judar smirked as the life force entered the girl's cold corpse. The body on the table jolted and writhed beneath his gaze, re-animating itself from beyond the grave. Judar couldn't hide his sense of accomplishment as he smiled down at the now breathing body.

"Long live the Queen," Judar smirked.

Magi: Judar's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now