29. Sour Feelings [LEMON]

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**Lemon Warning! Nothing too saucy happens until further down so feel free to keep reading until you reach my second warning ;)

The door clicked quietly shut and the dark room seemed to be spinning around me. I hung limply in Judar's arms as he carried me further into the room.

"Judar," I squeaked, kicking my legs out. He remained silent, stepping closer to the bed. The fact that he'd been giving me the silent treatment since we left the balcony was starting to eat away at my nerves. I began to struggle and writhe around in his arms like an unruly child.

"What the hell are you doing?" Judar growled, doing his best to keep me still.

I said nothing and continued thrashing my limbs around until the arms supporting me were suddenly gone. I dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and I glared up at Judar who was shaking his head at me.

"You're twice as stubborn drunk as you are sober," he sighed. "No surprise there, I guess."

I pushed myself forward until I was sitting upright and crossed my arms over my chest as I pouted up at him.

"Brat," he said, using his knee to push me back over. I toppled over like a clumsy toddler, too tired to hold myself up. He let out a heavy sigh as he spoke, "Now that I've brought you here, I can't remember what it was I wanted to do with you," he said, toying with the sleeve of my gown. The fabric slipped off my shoulder, baring my skin.

"I'm sure you remember just fine what it is you intended on doing with me, you pervert, " I retorted with a few hiccups. With a heavy hand, I unsteadily pulled the sleeve back over my shoulder, only for it to slide down again.

"Oh, don't sound so offended about it, Princess," he smirked, dropping down onto the rug next to me. "Especially when I wasn't the only one who had it out for you tonight," he said, his tone much colder than it was moments ago. I brought my gaze up lazily to meet his and noticed a new ferocity in his eyes. He crawled towards me slowly, and the only thing I envisioned was a panther prowling towards its prey.

I felt a shiver of excitement rush through me as I started to scoot backwards away from him. With a smile that looked almost sinister, Judar caught me by the ankle and dragged me up under him.

Despite the ball of excitement growing inside me, I giggled helplessly as Judar pinned my wrists to the floor. I was unquestionably still intoxicated and Judar was making the most of the fact.

"Where are you going? I haven't even done my worst yet," he teased, pulling my arms up over my head. He pinned them to the floor with one hand, and with his free hand he pulled one of the ties at the front of my dress undone.

Without the use of my hands, I was unable to hide the dopey grin that sat on my lips as I watched him pull two more of my ribbons undone.

Judar's fingers had just twined around the last ribbon holding my dress shut when he paused, his eyes skimming up my body until meeting my gaze. I leaned my head back, still watching him through half-lidded eyes.

"You waiting for permission?" I purred. The feint, bitter-sweet scent of alcohol wafted through the air with each whispered word.

My whole body was tingling by now, yearning for whatever had yet to happen.

He flashed me a crooked smile before pulling the ribbon apart and tearing the dress open with such vigor that I almost believed that he was saving me from the dress itself. He then scooped his arm around me, arching my back until I was pressed up against him. Our bodies were warm against each other, growing warmer only when his lips pressed against mine in a kiss so helplessly needy.

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