Chapter 5 - {Before Part 3} The End Is A Beginning

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"Mr. Comstock, I assure you..." Fink started, his brow moist and his hand shaking. "... this is a minor setback, the Lamb will be captured in no time at all..."

The Prophet looked furious- no, livid. His face was flushed almost scarlet, and he was clearly holding back with his choice of language when he spoke. As much as I didn't like the man's company, if he attacked Jeremiah, I would be forced to do more than just bruise him.

"Mr. Fink, my dear man, you had put me in quite the predicament." the older man ran a cold hand over his face. "You truly have no understanding of what this would do to Columbia's citizens if they knew this, or worse... witnessed this ruffian in public on full display."

"Surely this Booker DeWitt will not do anything to draw attention to himself? The public have a minimal chance of witnessing anything!" Fink said with comfort. He was greeted by a slap to the face. I growled behind him in warning; not that Comstock cared.

"You truly are a short sighted little man, what piffle!!" the Prophet scolded. "There are so many repercussions that could occur! One, yes, DeWitt may not want to draw attention to himself, but his face has been seen, and we have all sorts of creatures after him. If he is spotted, those beasts will not hesitate to engage him, even in front of civilians. How will these innocent people react, when they see normal looking men attacked in the street? They will lose faith in me, and the Lamb herself!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think." Jeremiah pathetically excused himself.

"No, you didn't think. You never do." Zachary Hale Comstock continued. "Secondly, I add that the Lamb has not been seen by face, but her special nature will come through. A girl who has never left that tower in her life is going to be thrilled by every sight, want to know all the information about the world as she can gather, interested by new people. The fact that she is special is going to seep through onto the streets. Rumours that I am trying to control are already spreading. They all will know soon. And this Booker DeWitt? They will turn to him for answers! And then we would have a rapturous problem."

"Sir, give me a week. No more, I swear on my life. I will have every man and creature in my command on his tail. No harm will come to the Lamb, and she will be back in her tower where she belongs. I'll have my scientists on it that she won't think anything of her taste of freedom to stop possible escape attempts. In fact, I'll make sure to it that when she thinks of this Booker DeWitt, she will be filled with dread of his mangled corpse." Fink explained confidently. He glanced at me. "I'm sure you would help with that part, couldn't you Songbird?"

I purred slightly in agreement.

Well... The worm of a Fink has grown a spine... Now he's a snake...

It won't be long before they will deploy me to retrieve the Lamb. I have no other reason for existing, so I'll be sent the moment that the other hard hitters cannot restrain the so-called False Shepherd. I can't wait to get her back where she belongs, safe in her cage. I shan't have to worry as soon as she is home, and no longer asking questions.

The Prophet guided Fink from the room to talk to him privately, but he clearly didn't realise that I had oversensitive hearing. It didn't matter if Comstock took Fink to the other side of the floating city, I could still hear if I really concentrated. Nevertheless, he was took aside anyway.

"I want the girl in her tower as fast as humanly possible." Father Comstock whispered. "The more she experiences of the world of normality, the harder she will be to put back willingly."

"I know, and I fully understand that, my Prophet..." the snake attempted to slither away, but that wasn't going to happen. He was grabbed roughly by the arm, making him squeal like a pig in the slaughterhouse.

"You may understand, but I want results, Jeremiah. And I want them now. Deploy the Songbird and bring her back to the tower where she belongs."

And to that, I heard the dreaded tune again.

...C A G E C A G E C A G E...

Over and over I listened to it, and for a second, I believed that it had no effect on me. It was just a small song, that was all it was. It made me believe that I was in control of myself. But when I blinked I was flying across the Columbian sky, in search of a girl I was bonded to for life. I let out a screech. How could those four notes make me do this?

Too late, my story begins now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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