The Beginning: 1

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Olivia POV

It's four in the morning in the middle of January and I can't sleep.
I just have so much on my mind It's moments when I'm alone in bed
in darkness where I think the most. Here I am dealing with so damn
much and still trying to figure out what I want and where I want to
go in life.

The people around me think the life of Olivia Drake is all good and
glamorous. But little do they know it's not. My parent's have been
divorced for some years now. And although they are both in
relationships, they are still very sexually active with one another.
And they always find a way to put me in the middle of their mess.

My younger siblings are out of control and my older sister has her
own shit eating at her. Annnd my love life is all fucked up. It seems
like no matter how honest, loyal and faithful I am I always get fucked
over. Like I just don't get it why do I always get cheated on. That shit is
dead. I feel like if you want to see other people just tell me straight up
so we can end things.

Just don't lie to me to my face. If you don't want to be in a monogomous
relationship then stay single. It's not that hard but some people will never
learn. Like how the hell did I end up dealing with so much bull shit?
And how the hell did I lose focus of myself? Maybe I lost focus because
I continued to put others issues before my own. And put others first and
myself last. I became Ms. Fix it, fixing others issues when I couldn't even
fix my own. I'm 21 and I can't fix my own damn life. Ain't that some shit.

My thoughts were interupted by loud banging at my front door

"Liv please just talk to me." He yelled,

"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

"Baby just open the door and talk to me." He said.

"Tyson no get the fuck away from my door and take your ass home!"
I yelled becoming angry.

"Okay if that's what you want fine. but you will see me again I promise
you that." Tyson said.

Sighing I slowly walked back to my room and climbed into bed. I think
it's time that I leave this place.

Your thoughts?



Tyson is her ex btw

Thanks for all those who commented
and read my story and voted. It means a lot. This is all new to me.

Peace ✌
- Love Always ❤ Morenike'Olivia

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