Time For Change: 2

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Olivia POV

Feeling around my bed for my phone I finally grab
it off the charger and dismiss my loud alarm. After
stretching I get out of bed and plug my phone up to
the aux cord plugged into my radio. As I listened to
Chris Brown's X blast through my radio I headed to
my bathroom.

If your only as good as the company you keep.
Then I'm a blame you for what they say about
me. When I was by myself I was fast asleep.
But since you came around I been up for weeks.

After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I
headed to the shower turning it on to a nice hot
temperature the way I like it. Dropping my silk
knee high Victoria Secret robe I closely looked at
my naked body in my wide stretched mirror on my

Admiring my body I looked at myself until the mirror
became covered with steam. I then turned around and
stepped into the shower. Picking up my wash cloth I
washed myself in my Ivory stop then went over my
body again with my Dove body wash. After cleaning
myself completely I turned off the shower, grabbing
my towel and drying off.

After doing my hygiene I grabbed my coat, phone,
keys, and Michael Kors purse heading out the door
to my 2015 red and black ford mustang. Once I got
in my phone started to ring. Answering it I instantly
heard my big sis Savannah on the other end.

"Where the hell you at?"

"Well damn hello and good morning to you too Savannah."
I said laughing.

"Mhm good morning. Is yo monkey ass on yo way to work
or what?"

"Why you gotta alway... Nevermind yes I'm on my way."
I said while pulling out my drive way.

"So is you bringing breakfast?"

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Why not?"

"Because I stay buying us breakfast, you can do it for
a change."

"Shiddd the only thing my fat ass trying to get is a check."

"Yea ok my food better be there when I arrive or its gone be
some repercussion and consequences for your ass."

"Look monkey yo breakfast will be here when you come aight."

"Bitch if I'm a monkey you the ape."

"But I'm a sexy ape though."

"See this is why I can't stand you." we both laughed.

"Damn I almost forgot I got to go to the store. I'll see you
in a few."

"Mm don't be to late now."

"See here you go again and okay bye."

"Aight peace."

Hanging up the phone I made a u-turn in the direction
to Wal-Mart. making it inside I picked up a basket and
started getting the few items that I needed. As I was
standing in the chip aisle I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey baby." I mentally rolled my eyes seeing the last person
that I didn't want to see... Tyson. Me and Tyson were together
for a little over two years. I left him because I didn't completely
agree with the life style that he was living. And the fact that he
is a lying ass cheater who use to beat my ass from time to time
just didn't sit straight with me. He's also my older brothers best
friend. But since I don't fuck with my big brother like that, I don't
have to worry about seeing him around all the time. Even though
he likes to pop up when I least expect it.

"So you just gone ignore me like I'm not standing here?" He spoke
in a calm tone. A little to calm if you ask me.

"Yes because you obviously can't take a hint." I said becoming annoyed.

"And what's the hint that I'm suppose to be taking."

"That I don't want nothing to do with you."

"So it's like that baby?"

"First of all you can stop calling me that because I'm not your baby."

"And to answer your question yes it's like that. We've been broken up
for over 8 months now and you still continue to believe that I want you.
You pop up on me, call my phone and come to my house uninvited. I
DON'T WANT YOU and I'm more than fed up with you. So you need
to get that through your crazy ass head." I semi yelled.

"But Liv I love you."

"Miss me with the bull shit Tyson because I'm not feeling it today."

"Olivia I really love you."

"Yea I love me too but that don't mean I'm getting back with you."

stepping closed to me he looked into my eyes with regret all over
his face. But something about it didn't seem sincere."Olivia I'm serious."

"Okay you love me like you use to be beating the fuck out of me, making
me cry, cheating in me, lying to me and breaking my heart. It's funny
how you can give someone everything. All of you. Love them through all
their flaws, hold them down and care for them just to get back stabbed and
hurt in the end. What's even more funny is how you can be so in love with
a person one moment then literally be disgusted by them the next. Only a
fool will continue to go back to the same situation expecting a different
outcome. Your only going to change when you want to and who knows
when that will be. And I don't have time to wait for you to change Tyson.
Sometimes we are blinded by what's real. And the love you claim your
have for me is far from it. And I refuse to keep giving pieces of myself to
someone who doesn't deserve me. If I keep doing that there will be nothing
left for me to give to myself. And as people we sometimes lose sight of
what's important, because we keep giving to others without taking care of
ourselves first. Not me. Not anymore. I'm done with you and I've moved on
and you should do the same."

Pulling me into him by my waist he looked me up and down. "You don't
mean that."

Pushing him away from me I shook my head. "Wow Ty you still don't get."

"I don't but how about you explain it to me after I dick you down and taste that
sweetness between your thighs."

"What the fuc... Okay see you doing the most. You will NEVERRR lick, touch,
taste, slurp, dick down or feel any of this again. It's about time for me to leave
before I be late for work. And it's a shame to be that damn thirsty. Go get your
ass a tall glass of ice water if you're that thirsty and leave me the fuck alone."
I spoke truthfully.

As I begin to walk off I was stopped by him tightly gripping my wrist. Dropping
the basket I sent a powerful slap to his face causing him to stumble holding on
to a shelf nearly falling.

"DON'T YOU EVER GRAB ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." I yelled picking up my
basket heading to check out.

To be continued...


I literally stayed up all night and morning writing and typing this

Your thoughts...


Tyson going to far or nah?

Y'all think Olivia wrong for not wanting nothing
to do with Tyson?

Thanks for all who read, voted and made comments

Peace ✌

-Love Always ❤Morenike'Olivia

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