Royals AU Part 3

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A/N: I updated again! YAY ME! Also, yay for 200 reads. You Childs are amazing. Thx so much pplz.

All "Prince" Nico's POV

I was beginning to process what was happening. He was holding my hand. My. Hand. In front of his parents. I could already feel the heat rising to my face.

When we reached the top of the stairway, he dropped Bianca's hand and my hand. I think he started talking, but I just zoned out staring at his face.

"-and Nico's room is over there." Will was pointing to the left hallway.

"Thank you very much, Will." Bianca was putting on her polite voice. I could see right through it. She didn't want to be here. She was in love with someone back home. But our parents cared little for our feelings. Bianca grabbed my hand and led me towards her room.

"Uh... I'll just be changing. And you two should get into proper dinner attire as well." Will called out after us.

As soon as we were in Bianca's room, she slammed the door and burst out into giggles.

"Did you see the way he was looking at you!" She burst into another fit of giggles and collapsed on the bed. I was scarlet at this point. I knew because there was a huge mirror in the room.

"Whatever, Bee. I'm going to go change for dinner now."

"Dress up real nice, just for him." She said between giggles.

"I will, thanks." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You Will?" She said, bursting out laughing again, just when she had regained control.

"Very punny, Bee. Very punny." I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me. I could still hear her laughing through the door.

Now. To find my room. I didn't exactly hear what number my room was because I was too busy taking in all his handsome, but that shouldn't be a problem.

I walked towards the left wing. There were only 3 rooms here. It would be easy to find the room I belonged in.


Turns out the first door I opened happened to be owned by someone. And that someone was... Will.

And not only that, but he was in the middle of changing. He was shirtless. Thank God he had pants on.

He must've heard the door swing open, because he turned around swiftly. I began to blush furiously.

"Oops. Wrong room. Sorry." I said, beet red.

"That's okay. Yours is right next door." Will said, facing me. He was still shirtless. I couldn't help but notice the lovely six pack he was sporting.

I turned around before he could notice me staring, and quickly left the room. I went right next door to find all of my luggage. The butlers must've delivered it.

I pulled off my clothes and grabbed some clean ones. I grabbed a dark purple dress shirt, black tie, black pants, and black jacket. I paired it with black shoes. Surprise, surprise.

I ran my hands through my hair, and checked my appearance in the mirror.

I opened the door and headed back to Bee's room. I knocked on the door, and she answered.

"My, my. Don't you look dashing?
Trying to impress a certain someone?" Bianca said, nudging me playfully.

I scoffed. "Absolutely not. I might ask the same for you, though."

Bianca was wearing a strapless deep blue dress that stopped just short of her knees. Her hair was braided down the side, and she had stuck pink flowers into it. She had on light pink high heels. She was taller than me in the shoes.

"Of course not, you dork." Bianca giggled.

"Shall we go, Bee?" I said, whilst taking her arm.

"Yes we shall."

A/N: I'll leave it there for now, Childs. I sure hope you enjoy the story. Also, I used the word whilst. I'm very proud of myself! 😂

Peter Pan (don't ask)

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