chapter 20

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Lila's pov

Moving once I established a practice was never on my radar until i met Brantley. It's funny how my definition of what home is has changed. Home is no longer a spot  on a map, its by his side. I feel loved, needed, wanted, desired, appreciated, and safe with him. He  tends to most of my needs before I even think of them most of the time. He likes to say its the wolf. But I think it's more of the man than he likes to admit. Cuz ya know the alpha has to keep that macho image. I try not to give him to much grief about it, but sometimes I just can't help myself. Today he's out riding with the pack. It's more like a bimonthly testosterone bender if you ask me. They crack me up with some of their antics. I see me placing lots of stitches in some non animal patients once the full moon comes back around. My main goal for this week is to find possible locations for offices near the cabin in Maysville and Uncle Paul's place. I've pretty much got the maysville location settled. Just need to sign on the dotted line so long as my offer is accepted. And of course I have a back up. Today I'm meeting the owner of a location near Uncle Paul's. It's only a 20 minute drive and its in a strip mall next to some odd shops. The best part is its across the street from a Wal-Mart so I won't have to do much advertising. I'll see my typical patients here and make local farm visits both in this area and surrounding Maysville. I had just finished my coffee when a little blue Nissan pulled up next to me. I was in Bs truck so it looked even smaller. I almost spit my coffee all over the dash when Dr. dumbass from the hospital got out!

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