chapter 3

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Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

"Why didn't you tell me?" I rumbled as j sat next to Paul's bed. "We've all got our cross to bear. This one's mine. No use fussing over me." The old man spoke quietly. "Paul-" I started but he cut me off. "I know, son. I know what you are. Always have. That cabin is your safe haven. When I'm gone, it'll all go to Lila, she's the only family I got other than you. She'll let ya use it. But I want you to promise me something." I sat there in shock. Paul knew what I was, and still chose to be close with me. "Anything. You name it." I said vehemently. I meant it. I'd do anything for this man. "Look after my Lila, Brantley. Protect her. She needs someone like you. She's all that's good in this world, promise me that you won't ever let her get lost in the dark." He begged. "Of course. I've got her." I promised him. I sniffed the air just before a timid knock sounded. "Everything ok?" Lila's head peeled around the door frame. Paul chuckled and waved her over. She walked in and avoided eye contact with me. Little Lila was nervous. And excited. I could smell it on her. The wolf rumbled happily. The man in me knew I needed to steer clear of those thoughts. This was Paul's niece. It was my job to protect her. I growled in frustration. Lila jumped, her big blue eyes going impossibly wider. "W-why do you growl so much? It's like an animal." She asked in wonder. "We've all got a little animal in us, little one. Some of us just have a little more than others." I chuckled. She frowned in confusion and Paul grinned knowingly.

A while alter I was still seated by Paul's bedside. He had taken a turn for the worse, and I knew that he's pass at any moment. I could smell the death on him. Lila was a wreck. She paced back and forth, back and forth, tugging at her clothes, fidgeting, crying. As she made another lap around the room, she tripped over my outstretched megs. Her foot snagging on my boot. She went down with a squeal, preparing to hit the floor, but I caught her. I moved quickly and caught her by the back of her shirt. After hoisting her a good foot up on the air, I have her a small shake to catch her attention. "You're really strong..." She gulped. "Settle, girl. Sit." I plopped her into my recently vacated chair, and stood guard behind her.

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