Wild Child Excerpt #5

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Excerpt #5 7-25-13

In high-school, every dodge-ball game is a war reenactment. I sat on the bench in disgust as fellow students were getting mowed down by mortars and driven back as the enemy advanced. Every scrawny freshman was given no mercy by the puberty-built seniors. Isaac of course was in front, taking down anyone that peeked out of their little huddle of protection like one of those rigged games at the carnival where you had to shoot the raccoon. I felt bad, yet relieved that I was allowed to sit out for the next month and a half, 

Apparently decimating children wasn't enough to please Isaac's blood-lust. He would push around his own teammates or take a ball away from them in an effort to claim another victim on the court. Adam and Alex had gotten out, due to being human shields against their will. All in all Isaac disgusted every part of me, every part. It's like he was born to be a scathing behemoth upon our humble school. Of course the school board just sees him as a "misunderstood" child, but it's easy to see that he's a brute and a bully. People like him make the world crap, 

The P.E. coach finally gave the freshman a breather from Isaac's massacre. He is probably the only teacher that I was able to stand. Coach Briggs was one of those guys that if you were in prison with, you would hand him food and run away crying. This guy was a former Marine and had the build to prove it. Standing at six-seven and muscles that Dwayne Johnson wished he had, I always wondered why he didn't become a UFC fighter. He kept his hair styled as a buzz-cut, and sported a small dark brown goatee. His voice boomed in the echoed gymnasium.

"Alright, ladies! Time to head back in, lunch is coming up and I can't eat until all of your are dressed and gone!" Everyone rushed towards the locker room, except Isaac, who was talking with Adam and Alex while picking up the balls. Every once in a while, one of the twins would look at me and gesture towards the door as if warning me about something. When Coach Briggs was out of sight, Isaac had picked up the last ball and glanced at me with a smirk on his face. It took me a moment to piece it all together, but it was too late. Isaac cocked his arm back and hurled the red rubber meteor towards me.

With a killer instinct that I still didn't understand, I thrust my arm forward and locked my elbow, stopping the ball dead in it's tracks. The ball stung in my hand, the force that he put into it was insane. I was not amused  with his little prank, and stood up, feeling no pain anywhere on my body. Isaac gawked at my sudden athleticism. Alex and Adam were behind him, just as shocked. I stared murderously into Isaac's eyes, and spoke with a voice that wasn't mine.

"Now i'm pissed."

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