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Mature Language


"So what do we do now? Porpoi is in the restaurant, we have absalutley nothing to do, it is about 10 degrees, and I have no shirt" I said, annoyed with Lark for practicly stripping me. But I guess that's what was best. My skirt was made out of very tough material and mt sleeves were too flimsy. The traditional wear in Farahj was quite differant from others in the realm, but I'm not necessarily shamed by it.

"Well you should have thought of that before you got yourself shot by a tranq bullet and tried to beat up guys tripple your size" She spoke on a teasing matter but what she said did have some truth and I was not one to argue.

Lark looked about a year or so older, but growing up in the city she was much wiser and more knoledgeable in the ways of the world. In mid thought, he finally emerged from the cafe, scone in hand as he marched into the caravan with a smug look on his face. It seed to be that all of Porpoi's looks were devious and questionable and made me hate him even more. Ever since I first got here I wondered if he killed my parents. Debating my two answers I always seemed to get stuck. Never finding any evidence After some thought I finally asked Lark if something similar had happened. Clearly bringing up Lark's family was not a happy thing., for when I asked, my answer was far worse than what I bargained for.

"When I was 12 my mother disappeared. Some say she fell into a lake but I knew she was too smart for that. Some say she was murdered. But the occsional person claimed they saw her with a masked man, looking as if she was captured. Of course I never knew what to believe exept for the fact that my mother was no longer with me. My father was a good man but very weak. Born crippled in the legs he was never able to move much. My mother told me when they were younger he could even get around using just a crutch but as he got older his case grew worse and worse until he was ebed ridden. It was so painful to see him slowly fade into himself. Each day he seemed to believe less and less that there was something in this world worth staying alive for. I guess I wasn't enough. Right before they took me, I found my father dead on his bed, poison in the kitchen. Someone had poisoned my father but we don't know who would do such a thing for my father may well have been the most liked person in the whole city. They took me within hours later, rumaging through my house and looking for meI guess. And now, well now I'm here telling you this story." She said, a few tears falling from her rosy cheeks.

"Lark," I started. "Lark, I am so sorry."

I felt so bad for this innocent city girl who had lost almost everything. I guess that is the price you pay for... the price to pay for what? We did nothing wrong. Our parents deaths were in vein, for we did not want this nor planned this to happen. Whatever Porpoi needs from us, it better be good.


It was nearing dark when one of Porpoi's henchman came and gave us our lavish dinner of beef broth and crackers. We ate it hungrily for the bread was long gone.

Lark was differant though. Something about her seemed off. Ever since the morning when she had told me about her mother and father she seemed to distant. I tried to think of something to say that would make her want to talk, but instead what came out was,

"So you like cats" She looked a me, raising her eyebrow.

"More of a dog person but Laura will do" We both laughed. Once again gazing into eachothers eyes. It was a truly strange feeling towards her. Something completley new. Something we tried hard to ignore.

When the last of the soup was gone, Lark started to speak.

"Overheard the two of 'em talking about the arrival." She said, pausing to intrigue me even more. The thought of leaving this cramped caravan was quite thrilling even though the two of them were almost certain their fate at their new destination would be far worse than the constant stew and hunger.

"Well?" I spoke almost sarcastically as if to mock her over dramatic flare that was quite frankly adorable on her.

"One week, Amy, one more week" The glee in her voice was so uplifting and made me remember how much longer she had been here compared to me.

I can't imagine this ride without someone to keep me company life Lark has. At that moment a pang went through my heart, such guilt and empathy for my homesick caravan-mate. She seemed so calm up until now and we could tell she has had enough of this journey to our unknown fate.

We stayed up a little while longer talking about the little things back home, but one thing kept creeping it's way into each of our conversations. Where in bloody murder are we going?

"This better be good because I am not spending one more god damned week on this caravan to hell! We better be there soon or Fasto over there is gonna be cut down to size any moment now." I knew she was pretty stir-crazy from the start but now she seemed like an explosive. Ready to explode any moment.

The look in her eyes was a mix of fear, hatred, and tears. She looked like a puppy left outside in the rain, just looking for a stable roof to stay under for the rest of it's life.

"I just wanna go home" Lark sniffed as she put her head onto my shoulder,

"Me too," I replied.

"Me too."

We shut our eyes and drifted into a deep and long sleep.

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