5: I don't have time for you.

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AN: 5 VOTES FOR NEXT UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Already at chapter five, yay :D Hope you guys like this one, it's sad for Harry though :(( xx

Louis was breathing in and out quickly as he walked towards Eleanor’s house that Saturday. He promised Nick he would ask her out, but he felt so much guilt for Harry. The green eyed boy is going to find out that he and Eleanor are dating and it’ll probably break his heart, but Louis spent too much time trying to rebuild his reputation to just throw it all away.

Eleanor lived far too close from Harry and he had to hold himself from running off to Harry instead.  The tattooed lad knocked on the door several times to show a brunette open the door with an inviting smile. Eleanor was always like that: nice, gentle and beautiful. No matter how many times Louis rejected her; she was always sweet to him and never gave up.

Eleanor’s smile grew wider when she recognized Louis’ facial features and pulled him into a hug. Louis shrugged, uncomfortable but pretended to be happy to hug her back.

“Eleanor,” he trailed off as she finished the hug but didn’t completely let go of Louis.

Eleanor nodded, waiting for Louis to finish his sentence. It would be too hard for him to just ask her out, so he decided to cut the crap and pulled her into a kiss. Eleanor kissed passionately and Louis tried his best to do the same, but had a really hard time doing that.

He sighed in relief when she pulled away, smiling the most sincere smile ever. He felt bad lying to her like that, but he had to pretend he loved her and maybe one day he really will love her. He hoped so because it won’t only tear him apart, it’ll tear Eleanor and Harry apart too.

Suddenly, Louis’ phone rang and saw the contact ID saying: Harry.


Harry woke up on that Saturday morning joyful and could not believe what had happened to him the day before. Louis kissed him, again. Now, that doesn’t only mean he liked it, it also means he might have feelings for him.

He hoped out of bed and ruffled his curly hair. He didn’t bother putting a shirt or pants on and joined his sister Gemma and his mother Anna in only his boxers. They had grown to be used to it, and Harry walking around naked wasn’t such a shock anymore.

He smiled at his mother who was too busy forcing Gemma to go to work and hurry to eat. Harry didn’t even need to force a smile when Gemma’s eyes read ‘save me now’. He walked towards the living room with a bowl of cereal he had just took and hurried to eat it. He looked at the living room clock to see it was almost noon. Gemma worked from 12 to five, but she had to hurry her arse if she wanted to make it at work in time.

Harry ran upstairs and got dressed in his usually nerdy self. He picked up the books from yesterday and placed them either in his bag or his library, made his bed and opened his laptop. He listened to a couple songs before it turned 1 o’ clock and he decided to call Louis to see if he wanted to hang out or something.


“Um, why is Harry calling you?” Eleanor said, pulling away from Louis’ grip and staring at Louis’ iPhone.

Louis thought for half a second and hurried to come up with an excuse. He couldn’t mess this up, he really really couldn’t.

“Since I suck at science the teacher made him tutor me, but I don’t know why he’s calling me to be honest,” he said, answering the phone.

Louis made a deal to himself whilst the phone came to his ear. He would be a jerk to Harry, but call him back afterwards to say it was because Nick and his friends were there. He just had to hope it would work after all.

“Why are you calling me?” he answered instead of the traditional ‘hello’.

“Erm, sorry did I disturb anything?” Louis hummed a yes and waited for Harry to continue before he grew impatient. “I was wondering if you wanted to do something today, I mean, only if you-“

Louis gulped, and knew he was immediately going to regret what he was going to say to Harry. He had to say it. It wasn’t only for Louis’ reputation, it was for Harry’s too.

“Look, I don’t have time for you or your nerdy things. Now go hang out with people who actually care about you and just call me if it has something to do with science or school,” he said before hanging up abruptly on Harry.

He turned to the brunette and saw her smirking and dragging him inside her three story house.

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