Erwin x Stripper Reader!

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(Modern AU)

"I know this is your first day on the job but just block it out okay just pretend your not here let your mind wonder far away ..I never wanted it to come to this " your sister chokes out tears threatened to ruin her heavy yet seductive makeup . You pulled her close in a tight hug trying to reassure her "it's okay I know we need the money for moms operation and the burden shouldn't be yours alone to carry (s/n) " you said tenderly with a sad smile you pulled away "I've got to go I'm up next " she nodded and reluctantly let you go . Passing by the mirror in the dressing room your eyes scanned your skimpy outfit. White button down , mini brown leather skirt and brown leather straps hugged your thighs and caged your chest.
This being your first performance you perk your self up "I can do this !" You part the curtains separating the stage from the dressing room doing so slowly to build up the anticipation. A room filled with drunken lustful faces great you . Mostly men a few women scattered amongst them. You inwardly shudder putting on your bedroom eyes as you walk to the pole slightly warm to the touch probably from the previous performance. Once both hands are on the pole you start with a few simple turns . In Doing so the room seems to fade away as you let the music and smoke cloud your senses. Until a pair of striking blue eyes catch your attention . Throughout your performance the connection only seemed to grow .  As the beats picked up you made your way to the top of the pole to slide your way down looking so much like an angle falling from grace . The blue eyed stranger completely hypnotised by your swaying figure . You just couldn't help but feel exotic and confident . The men all lined and crowded at the edges of the stage to even hope to get a chance to stick a couple bills in your bodice .  Completely ignoring there offers as you make your way down the long stage where your handsome stranger sat you inwardly questioned your self your blind confidence only went so far .kneeling down  He raised a questioning eyebrow (lol) your ruby painted lips parted "help me off? " he nodded not trusting his voice as he placed two strong callused hands on your  slender waist and lifted you effortlessly of the stage . Once your feet touched the ground you looked up still incredibly petite even in your stilettos. And softly pushed him back to his seat , he let you guide him back to his seat . As you straddled him blushing furiously his muscular thighs twitched along with something else ;) . As you pulled his tie close enough to where your noses almost touched lust evident in both your eyes . The owners voice cut in breaking your trance . "Let's give it up for vixen !" Drunken laughter and cheers could be heard . You slide of the strangers lap a sad smile as you turn to walk away a hand pulls you back as you land into his chest . "This is for you " his husky voice whispers to you sliding In quite a few large bills into your bodice . Your eyes widen " are you sure this is a lot of money..and there are much better dancers then me coming up " you mumbled the last part but he still heard it " your worth so much more then this " he mumbles into your ear effectively causing you to blush bright pink . "Erwin , hey I see you have meet vixen " the owner says giving the handsome man a side hug so his name is Erwin you thought the name seemed incredibly familiar but you just couldn't place it  . He nods not taking his eyes of you " I take it you were asking for a private dance?" The owner asks suggestively. Erwin nods " I was just about to actually." He says rubbing the back of his neck blushing . " well Erwin since we're old friends I'll let you get the first dance because soon as vixen came onto the stage 15 other clients requested a private dance " the owner says with a goofy smile your eyes widen "really? " she nods excitedly "Yes my little vixen did so well on her first night ever! " you blush furiously as she glomps you into a hug " Hanji please your embracing me " you mumble blushing as she pats you affectionately. Erwin's eyes widen "that was your first time performing? " he asked unable to contain his surprise. You nodded sheepishly , Erwin couldn't believe it that goddess of seduction was a first timer . Hanji grabbed Erwin's hand a placed a room key in it "You Crazy kids go have fun! She said happily pushing you both to the back . "Oh and Erwin be gentle she's a V.."I slapped a hand over Hanjis face . " say one more word and I will personally make you disappear " you say as your face darkness . Hanji puts her hands up in surrender as she licks the back of your hand you gasp "Hanji that's grouse! My hands touched the dirty pole and floor!" You squeaked grabbing a napkin from behind the bar as Hanji launched herself on to Erwin whispering something into his ear causing him to blush you raise a suspicious eyebrow "Erwin ? Are you alright?" You ask walking up closer to him he nods furiously "o-OFCOURSE NOW LETS GET TO THAT DANCE YEAH? " he says ducking down low to carry you on his shoulder . " ERWIN WAIT MY SKIRT IS TO SHORT AT THIS HIGHT!" You yell muffled propping your self up on his shoulder taking a moment to admire his finely toned ass . But what you couldn't see what that Erwin was doing the same following up the brown leather straps hugging your full thighs wonderfully. As your flower was almost visible in your (f/c) lacy panties . He placed a hand to your innocence to hide it from preying  eyes . He quickly lead you over to the room the large golden letters wrote "A4" and unlocked the room witch was fairly large . King sized bed, bathroom , tv and couch not to mention another stripper pole. Erwin closed the door behind himself and set you down your heels making a soft click as they made contact with the wooden floor . I smile warmly "are you ready for your dance Erwin?" He flushes and nods as he begins to loosen his (tie thingy ) . Swaying my hips to the counter I dim the lights to set the mood and turn on the small speakers grabbing the music player to pick a song . Once the music started to fill the room I make my way back over to the pole . Swaying my hips to the soft beat . Doing a small spin and kicking off the ground to make it look like I'm flying , I can feel his eyes all over my body . Just as the beat drops I pop down on to a spilt . With each raise and drop of the base I roll my body steadily till I'm on my feet again . Slowly undoing the white button down biting my lip as I do so . Erwin licks his lips in anticipation. Shifting a bit closer leaning his elbows on his knees . As the silky blouse drops to the floor . I make sure my steps are deliberate and sensual. In time with the music to give the desired affect. His breath hitches as I straddle his waist . Rocking deliberately against him. His hands rub the soft exposed skin of my sides as are noses brush . The room deftly silent save for the music the tension snapping as Erwin attacked my lips with intense passion and hunger . Dragging me closer not even air could fit between are body's. Tugging his hair back I try to take control of the kiss . He growls in defiance roughly squeezing my chest letting out a soft moan he hums in triumph . Picking me up I wrap my legs around his waist as he tosses me on to the bed he stalks over to me caging my body with his . He leans down kissing and sucking on my neck trying to find my sweet spot till he finds it and abuses it leaving you a mewling mess . Trailing your heads down his chest you begin to undo the buttons , sliding them down his broad shoulders the dim lights catching every ridge of his muscles . I lick my lips in anticipation. He smirks "like what you see Angel ?" He purrs seductively into your ear . Nibbling the soft sensitive flesh . Mewling in pleasure you buck your hips earning a growl from the blue eyed man . Smirking you flip him so your now I top straddling his waist . "Let's get to the good bit yeah? " you purr . He nods trailing his hands up to your thigh straps hooking his thumb under a strap and letting it snap against your skin . Again you subconsciously Buck your hips "ahh Erwin ~" you whimper the slight pain mixing with pleasure. "Naughty girl aren't you?" He mumbles into your ear his hand dangerously close to stroking your wet heat. " ugh Erwin please just fuck me already! " he smirks smacking your plump bottom as you yip in surprise  "bad girl such a dirty mouth you have, looks like I will have you punish you ". He says as his hand snakes down to the zipper of your skirt. As he pins you down tossing the leather skirt to the floor now only in your leather straps and matching bra and lacy panties. You blush as he begins undoing his pants holding his leather belt in his hands "ever been spanked angel?" he asks trailing the cold leather up your thigh. You whimper "n-no" as you bite your lip slightly embarrassed you stuttered. "no what? " he says raising an eye brow. "no master? " you mumble your response sounding more like a question. "good girl, get on your Knees..."he trails off admiring your flushed body. Complying with his orders now on all fours your booty facing him. he trails a finger up your covered slit " my angel what a dirty girl you are..i haven't even touched you and your already soaked " he says hooking his fingers in the soft (f/c) lace panties. Your arms now shaking the feeling of his eyes on you  incredibly arousing. Feeling the bed shift you hear his zipper coming undone the rest of his clothes hitting the floor. You turn to take a peak only to find him smirking his body incredibly fit. strong wide shoulders, 8 pack and deep set V-line. He gets on the bed behind you belt still in hand " count for me angel" he mumbles into the junction of your shoulder and neck the cold leather trailing down your back as he pulls away. Placing one hand on the left side of your waist *Smack* the leather meets your flesh and you yip in surprise " count angel or I won't let you cum" he growls the head of his erection rubbing your slit. "O-One " you gasp out *smack* "Two!" *smack* "Three!" by the third hit your trembling as with each thrust his erection went just a little bit further. "Fucking hell, FUCK ME ALREADY!" as soon as that order left your lips he thrust all In at full force. "ERWIN!" you scream your hips shacking slightly. "I give the orders here angel " he growls fighting to keep still " damn baby your so tight " he trails of hearing you sniffle his tone shifting "shit are you okay? " he asks about to pull out as he sees a small trail of red drop down your thighs along with your horny juices. " okay.. It only hurts a little" you trail of wiping a tear away giving a small smile. He pulls out to your dismay and pulls you into his lap facing him "I'm so sorry angel " he whispers kissing you softly licking your tears away " we can stop if you want " he says tucking a strand of your hair back. You kiss him softly " no I wanna keep going " he nods gently lifting you up. and sliding in slowly " you moan each other names once again connected. " please move Erwin " you whimper trying go get friction but being too filled and sore to move enough on your own. He nods thrusting slowly looking into your eyes no longer filled with lust but love. The connection growing stronger with each strong slow thrust. "ha~  Erwin your so big it feels good please go faster " he nods speeding up his thrust becoming a bit more deep hitting your special spot you moan out loudly "right there baby! " you moan pit digging your nails into his back he growls in response his thrusts now becoming animalistic and wild bringing you both closer to the edge " going to cum~" you moan clinging to his shoulders for dear life "me to." and with one last powerful thrust your both brought over the edge "(F/N!) " "Erwin!"
Catching your breath you smile as he pecks your lips .
"Would it be crazy to say I love you right now?" He mumbles blushing a bit kissing your neck . "Only if it's crazy for me to say I love you two " you whisper leaning against his forehead. He smiles wildly . As he holds you In his arms laying down as you cuddle into his warm embrace , running his hands through your soft (h/c) locks . Thinking of your future together. As he gazes down at your sleeping form leaning down to kiss your flushed cheeks one last time as his own eyes drift shut "...I love you (y/n "

~Extended ending~
2 years later
Your mom has recovered completely  , Erwin made you quit the day after you two meet and had that special night together and got married a year later . And he helped both you and your sister go to college and get your dream jobs . Erwin is currently pacing out side of the bathroom in your shared 2 story home . You open the door with a straight face "well? " he questions excitedly . You smile holding up the pink pregnancy text "WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS! " he smiles pepering kisses all over your face as he picks you up bridal style. You giggle excitedly . " I can't wait to tell everyone! " you cheer happily as Erwin sits down on your bed still holding you in his arms " hey (f/n) maybe we should go another round just to be safe " he says with a suggestive smirk .  "Erwin!"  You laugh and lightly smack his chest a light blush dusting your cheeks.

The end
I hope you enjoyed this one shot! Much love to my readers till next time!

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