good for you (valentine's day imagine)

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Hey everyone before i start i would like to thank mcaulker for the valentine's day request i really appreciate it :)


   As I wake up, I force open my eyes breaking through what the sandman has deposited from the night before. I must have slept with my mouth open because I can taste the stale saliva that is now in my mouth, making me desperately want a glass of water. Rolling over to the edge of my bed I started gazing lazily at my small and cluttered room. My eyes pass around my room, I reach my alarm clock, seven-thirty. Pretty early considering that it was a sunday. I reached over to my charged phone from the night stand that stood next to me only to realize the date once i turned it on.

February 14th 2016
Valentine's Day...

Truthfully I've never seen no use of this day. Just an excuse for lovers to show their love by showering their loved ones with inanimate stuffed animals and candy? Shouldn't you already show love to your significant other everyday. Maybe I've just been bitter? haha yeah that's why but this year was different considering that i won't be spending it alone.

Looking over at the half emptied bed with the exception of having my significant other sound asleep.


We've been together for 9 months and it's been a marvelous 9 months.

We hadn't talked about doing anything on this festive day but what the hell I woke up early on a Sunday which happenes rarely due to my usual all nighters on Saturday's so why not make use out of my awake and do something for my boyfriend on Valentine's Day.

"Now what can I do for him that won't take too much effort...." suddenly a growl like sound erupts from my stomach. Now i certainly cannot think on a empty stomach but boom an idea was suddenly born. To start the perfect Valentine’s Day why not treat your special someone with a gourmet breakfast served to them in bed?
It was simple yet thoughtful. I've never really cooked but how hard can it be?

Rakim's POV
   It’s barely 7 am and Y/N wasn't in the warmth of your bed. Your body is telling you to go back to sleep, sinking deeply into the mattress with a sigh, Once smoke and banging was seen and heard  having no choice but to investigate the foreign smell and lever yourself out of bed.

Really he wasn’t sure which woke him first but there he was and the fact that the other side of the bed was empty was worse.

“Y/N, where are you? And what the hell is going on, even poker nights aren’t this smokey,” Rakim said as he marched out of the bedroom and toward the source of the offending cloud and sounds, the kitchen.

“Rakim you’re awake!!”

“Yeah, loud noises and fires tend to get me out of bed. What the hell happened in here?” Rakim asked as he looked around, at least half of all the pans he owned were out, several on the floor, smoke was coming from three of the four pans on the stove and Y/N’s shirt was half covered in pancake mix.

"Well I was going to surprise you by making breakfast in bed, but the surprised is now ruined! Can you please go back to bed so I can finish, just pretend you never saw this scene.” You ordered as he glanced at the stove top.

“Y/N, I love you, you know that right?” Rakim asked, stopping until Y/N looked at him, “But you can’t cook and I really don’t want our first real Valentine together to include a trip to the ER so…lets eat out and I’ll call my cleaning service to come in early,” Rakim suggested as he slowly walked over to Y/N until he snaked his arms around her waist"

“I am a grown woman Rakim I can cook a simple breakf-“

The rest of Y/Ns response was cut off by the fire alarm.

"Shit! Rakim do see what you did? You're distracting me." I said as I broke from his tight grip on my waist running towards the window opening it attempting to get the smokey fumes to leave the apartment.

His infamous windex spray chuckle filled the smoke filled kitchen.

Why the fuck is he laughing when I nearly burned the place down? He's clinically insane that's why.

"Oh so this is my fault? Baby I beg to differ now quit clowning around and go shower I appreciate your gesture it's sweet and all but face it, cooking isn't your... forté."

"Oh so I slave around in this kitchen for hours to hear this?? Okay never expect me to do a nice gesture for you ever again"

I stated ever so dramatically untying and throwing my imaginary apron on the floor stomping on it speed walking past Rakim.


This day isn't going as I planned it a couple hours ago oh well the least i cam do now is shower away the smell of burned food that is attached to my skin at the moment.

I strip down and step slowly into the tub, turning the water on high and letting it beat over my head in steamy rivulets. Closing my eyes to the water as the heat soaks into my skin, I lean against the cool tiles as my weak legs threaten to buckle.
The water pours down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't care about. It's the water. My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know that now.

That relaxation was soon interrupted by two familiar hands roaming my body.

"Hey, I'm sorry" he said behind me pampering kisses on my shoulder.
"Sorry? For what Rakim for ruining the surprise? For poking fun at my mad cooking skills? what tell me?" I teased I wasn't mad at him but i guess he assumed by my dramatic exit you would've assumed that he could tell i was joking since we had been together for 9 months i guess not he sure was ditzy at times.

"Mmm c'mon stop being all dramatic and shit i really did appreciate what you were attempting to do for me today baby."

"Oh i don't know if i can forgive Rakim you really did hurt my feelings and all i don't know what you can do to gain my love again" again speaking in a sarcastic tone i mean he has to be an idiot to not catch on to my foolishness.

He laughs finally he caught on.

"You're deadass the honorable clown Y/N"

The shower is filled with our manic laughter. "You're the clown i mean it took you all this time to catch on? Really Rakim don't you know me."
"You're just too convincing Y/N"

He turns my body around and goes in for a long hug, than it came to realization we were still in the shower our bodies now pressed onto each other. It was pretty obvious where this was going next Rakim was slick was this his plan all along? To pretend to be an idiot just so he can enter the shower with me to apologize? Man he's good.

The warm water caressed your bodies as you two ran your hands over each other’s bodies. His large hands trailed up and down your back, moving down until they were grabbing your bum. His lips kissed the slippery skin on your neck, moving his hands up to massage your breasts. You moaned in satisfaction. The water trickled down your bare skin as he pinned you against the tile wall. Finally making his move, he positioned himself over your entrance, pressing in fully, making you close your eyes and gasp. The sensation was blissful as he filled you up, the water from the shower acting as a lubricant. You couldn’t help the whimpers, moans and pants that left your lips as he began to speed up. You gripped onto his shoulders as he flung your leg up holding it in the crook of his arm. It allowed him to gain better access into you. You cried out in pleasure as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax. You released with him, going weak in the knees. He caught you, chuckling. “happy valentine's day chef Y/N” he whispered, holding you up and kissing your lips.

"Mmm and thanks for intrupting my shower time feel free to intrupt me again will ya?" I said sarcastically with a uneven breath due to our previous intimate actions.


I hope you enjoyed this silly valentine's day imagine xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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