Close Enough

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The bus came and picked everybody up for school and for the first time I had sat with Eric on the bus. I could tell he was very happy. So then we talk which wasn't usuall. I didn't know if he was still feeling that I was being distance or not which I really wasn't. It seemed like he wanted it to be like that everyday but I told him that it would not be possible. So I guess he wasn't mad I don't know but what I do know is that he was happy about us getting close. Then we would talk a whole bunch eachday he liked that then before we would leave he would give me a huge and I would give him one. Then we would say goodbye. But for some reason today he didn't want too do that. So I had ask him was he ok but he didn't answer me, so when we got on the bus I sat with him which wasn't normal to see if he was ok and he still didn't talk to me. So it was getting close to my stop then he said
"Yeah I am ok it is just I am so sad."
Then it was my stop and I said
"Talk to you tomorrow."
Then I got off to start a whole new day.

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