Chapter 6

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- Megan -

"You liar." I accused him as he sat beside me on my bed, but he knew to keep his distance.

"What did I lie about?''


"I don't work out, I promise you." He chuckled, fixing his glasses and setting them just right on the bridge of his nose. "I get tattoos, because I believe they give meaning to me, only meaning, and.. That's all to it, really." He shrugged.

I sighed, pursing my lips in thought.

"Well good night to you, it's getting late." I glanced at my alarm clock.

"Where should I sleep?.."

"I have a double mattress." I pointed, walking to the other side of my bed and pulling out the thing. "There yuh go." I motioned.

"Thank you again, for doing this."

"Mhm, you're my biology partner, so why shouldn't I." I smiled.

"One thing I might need to ask you for." He smiled sheepishly.

"Mhm." I hummed hopping back on my bed just slightly higher than the one I let him borrow.

"Do you have hair gel?"

I laughed at the question, as I smiled. "You should leave your hair without gel. It looks better that way.'' I said honestly as I cuddled towards my pillows.

"I do not really think people would like that..''

There was a moment of silence before I yawned.

"Yeah don't worry I have hair gel I don't use.'' My eyes fluttered.

"Thank you again, Megan."

"Yeah.'' I responded, reaching for my lamp and switching it off.

"Good night." I hear him say.

"Mhm.'' I hummed. "You too."

There was once again another silence before I decided to speak up again.

"Um hey Harry?.."


"Please don't tell anyone that I'm acting this way towards you.. I have a reputation to keep." I muttered.

"Yes of course. Your secret is safe with me."





No, I didn't drive Harry to school. I said bye and let him get ready for school at my place, but.. I just couldn't be seen with him at school.

As I was in my car, on my way to school, I started to wonder why Liam wouldn't answer any of my texts last night.

I texted him about four times, and I got nothing. I was starting to worry about him.

Once I parked my car in my usual parking space, I wore my usual outfit today, just some faded denim shorts and a tank top that had the 5sos logo. Yes, I'm a huge 5 seconds of summer fan.

I had a leather jacket over it, my hair down this time as I slightly curled the ends so it would come out a bit wavy.

Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I lock my car once I got out.

Everyone greeted me like usual, me saying a 'hi' or 'mornin'.

Once I reached the long corridors of other teens messing around and buzzing with talkativeness, I spot Liam at the end of the hall, turned around.

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