Chapter 17

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- Megan -

Today was the big football game. Yes.

Believe it or not, I was on the cheerleader squad.

I surely wasn't captain, that was Jess..


Anyway, I was still a cheerleader. I didn't even bother showing up at practice this week.

I smiled at my cheer uniform and the bow tied in my hair.

"Sweetheart, someone's at the door for you!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Yeah coming!" I say back, running out of my room, down the stairs, and to the front door.

Swinging it open, it was Harry.

I smiled. "Hiii."

His eyes widened, grinning. "Wow."


"Y-you look.. Beautiful."

"Thanks." I chuckled, as I leaned in for a hug.

"Come on." I took his hand into mine, about to drag him upstairs.

"Hi Harry." My mom says, as he glances at her, smiling.

"Hi Mrs. Reese."

"I'm just taking him upstairs, mom."

"Do you guys need anything.. Or?.. Condoms?"

My cheeks flushed a deep red color, my eyes widening. "Mom!" I gushed.

"We aren't doing that.." I muttered, shaking my head.

Harry was laughing so hard, I tugged at his suspenders and let them fly back as he gasped.


Dragging the boy up the stairs, he was still slightly laughing.

Well my mom was wrong about the sex..

But we were gonna probably make out?

I smirked, as he sat on my bed, me sitting on top of him, straddling his waist.

Taking his glasses off, his lips planted on mine with slight pressure as I smiled through the kiss.

As our lips moved in sync, I could feel him thrust against me.

I softly moaned, grinding my hips. I could feel his crotch against mine, as he sets his head on my shoulder.

He tilts his head slightly to the side giving me access to nip at the skin just right below his jaw.

Puffing warm air out in a breath, I could feel his breathing increase.

My hands were on his chest as he continued to grind into me, me breathing out shakily at the new pleasure.

Our lips connected once more before I breathed out, falling onto the bed next to him.

He smiled, blushing.

"Are you coming to the game?" I asked.

"I don't think so." He chuckled weakly.

I frowned. "Why?"

"I don't think anyone would want me there.." His voice trailed, me shaking my head.

"I want you there." I mumbled, rolling my head to the side so I could face him. "Please?"

He sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll come."

I grinned, his arms easily scooping me in them as he pecked me on the cheek.

My phone buzzes in my skirt pocket as I groaned.

Harry laughed, patting my butt and my sides for my phone as I giggled into his chest.

He teasingly squeezed my butt as I laughed, slapping his hand away.

"You're so bad." I stuck my tongue out, as he handed me my phone.

"I was looking for your phone!" He reasoned.

"I never knew a phone was in my ass!" I smirked.

Behind The Glasses [NERDY HARRY FF]Where stories live. Discover now