Chapter 11

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- Megan's POV -

The rest of the night consisted of dirty comments and cheesy jokes.

No of course we didn't take it far. He was just a friend.

After making out with him, we fell into a cuddle session, me smiling.

"This was the best night of my life." I whispered, playing with his long fingers.

We were in that spooning position, his warmth radiating as our legs tangled under the sheets.

Harry left a trail of delicate kisses over my neck as I smiled, leaning back so he could have more access.

"I thought you said you were never good with these girl things?" I muttered.

"I'm not," He chuckled against my skin. "I'm not a guy that girls really look into, you know? I think no matter how I look.. I'm still the same old school geek."

"Well you shouldn't change for anything, nerd or not a nerd." I shrugged.

"You really think so?"

"I know so. You're a nice person, Harry. You should stay that way."

He turns me around, me aimlessly staring into his green orbs.

"Thanks, Megan." He nods. "So we're friends, right?"

"Course, we're definitely friends." I smiled.

I just didn't know if I was gonna stay his friend.. I mean.. I'm Megan Reese. At least the school knows me as the most popular girl in school. Especially because my brother's on the football team. And if they found out I actually.. Kissed him, I'd lose it all.

Yeah, I mean tonight girls nearly swooned at his new appearance, but that was only for tonight.



My phone buzzes, as I'm glueing the tiny trees on our project.

"Ugh." I groaned, Harry laughing.

Harry was back to his normal look, hair pushed back with gel, huge glasses set on the bridge of his nose, and his usual clothes.

Setting down the little trees, I pick my phone out and look at it.

From: Mandyyyy

Girl!!! Those totally cute punk rock guys are having a gig at their place tonight at 10! Wanna come with?? :)

I bit my lip, thinking about who these cute punk rock guys really were. Ohhh I remember. They were these boys around 17 and 18, and yes they were australian.

I quickly sent a text back.

To: Mandyyyy

omg?! really?! Totally in!! Meet me at my place before 10? xxxxx

"What is it?" Harry asks, me looking up.

"Oh, just something I'm going to tonight.."

"But we were planning to work on the project?.."

Oh mannnn.

"You can come with me.'' I smiled. "I can fix you up and stuff."

"Fix me up? I don't recall."

I chuckled. "You'll see, but can you be out after 10?" I asked.

"I'll have to check in with my mum. My curfew is at ten."

"Oh. Well I'm sure she'll let you out when she knows you're going with a girl." I winked as I find him blushing.

"You're the girl right?"

I laughed. "Yes. Yes I am."

He spins in my spinny chair, and immediately stops. "Ahh dizzy.. Shouldn't have done that." He holds his head in his hands as I smirked.

"Do you want lunch?" I asked. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was really hungry.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled.

"Pizza?" I questioned, dialling on my phone already.

"Pizza seems--"

"Pizza it is," I chuckled, pressing the phone to my ear.

Harry is still writing things down as I throw my pillow at him playfully which knocks the pen out of his hand as he frowned at me.

I giggled. "Come on, throw it back bad boy." I taunted, him shaking his head dissapprovingly.

That's when someone answered the phone.

Ordering a large pizza, they said it would come in half an hour. Half an hour? Ugh.

Just when I was gonna hang up the phone, Harry threw it at me and it knocked my phone out of my hand as it fell onto the carpet. I gasped, my mouth hanging open.

"You did not just throw it back!" I accused.

"I did." He said proudly, smirking.

"Come here, will you?" I motioned calmly over to my bed.

He walks over, me pulling him by the arms and tackling him.

He screamed. "MEGAN NO, STOP!"

I laughed, tickling him. My long hair was all over him, me on top of him as I continuously tickled him.

Once I grew tired, I rolled off of him, lying beside him.

"What was that for?" He rolled his head to the side, facing me.

"Just cuz' you're a bloop.'' I shrugged, smiling.

"You're the bloop out of the both of us." He mumbled, me poking him in the stomach.



So who do u think the band is? Hmm. They're not famous here btw!

And aww Marry? :)


- BritishBums xox

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