Chapter 98 - Epilogue

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**Scarlett's POV**

I sit on the back stairs watching the kids play. George is sitting beside me, scribbling on a piece of paper. Inside my stomach I feel something move. Instinctively I grab his hand and press it on the side.

"She's moving!" I coo. George smiles at me.

"She's been moving all day," he points out, "and I've got ink all over this!"

As George siphons the ink out, I run my hand over my stomach. I don't know if it really is a girl, but I hope so. Although, out track record isn't great.

About five years after the war ended I got pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. Fred and Alex. Since then we've had three kids: Anthony, Toby and Jeremy. I want another girl, but it seems Alex's name is cursed.

After the war had ended I went to find Alex's family. When I found them I couldn't break the spell. They were all so happy, so at peace. I watched for a little while, then Noah came over to me.

"Do I know you?"

I shook my head and left, but I knew that he knew something was up.

The war left deep scars and it destroyed many lives. Even now, we still feel Fred and Alex's absences keenly.

Alex and Fred are starting Hogwarts today. They're both so excited, but I'm going to miss them.

"Alex! Fred!" I call out to them. They come running and I pull them both into a tight hug. Fred looks exactly like his father and uncle. Alex looks like me. I had expected her to resemble Alex, but she's just like me. Stubborness and rebelliousness included.

"Ready to go?" I ask. They nod and run through the house to get there things. I call the other boys in and load them into the car.

At the station we meet up with Bill and Fleur. George settles the twins on the train and we say goodbye. Alex hangs on for a moment too long and I know she's scared.

"You'll have a great time," I tell them, "take care of each other and send us an owl tomorrow."

As we wave off the train tears start pouring down my face.

"Hey," George says, "it's not goodbye. It's just 'See you later'."


Well, this is the end of this adventure. Thank you, thank you for coming on this ride with me!! I'll be taking requests for one shots, so if you want me to write something for you, PM me. Keep checking my page for updates as I have another story in mind :) Thank you all for being a part of this story, I've enjoyed reading your comments and getting feedback from you. If you're reading this, know that you have contributed to my life in a BIG way. Yes, YOU! So thank you.

♥ Always,


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