Chapter 14

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**Alex’s POV**

“Do you need anything for school?” Mum asks, “we’re going into London today, so if you want to get any quills or parchment or potions ingredients, now is the time.”

“Yeah, I need to get some more ink,” I say, getting off my bed and putting Quidditch Through The Ages down, “my last bottle got emptied over somebody’s head.”

“I can go by myself,” I tell Mum, “I’ll meet you outside in an hour.”

“Oh, no, that’s alright, I like visiting the Alley,” Mum smiles, “besides, Noah has been dying to see it.”

Noah grins at me and we jump out of the car. All my brothers decided to come along for the occasion. Partially because they’ve all been bored stiff at home, but mainly because they want to see Diagon Alley.

“Alright, Alex, lead the way,” Mum says.

I walk forward and open the door to the Leaky Cauldron. My brothers step inside, looking shocked. We walk out the back and I pull out my wand. I tap the right brick and watch my brothers’ mouths fall open as the Alley is revealed.

“Now, try not to embarrass me,” I tell them, “because I can get away with cursing you here.”

“No you cannot,” Mum says sternly. I smile at her sweetly.

“Do we need a trip to Gringotts?” Mum asks.

“Yeah, I’m running low, I’ve only got about seven sickles and three Knuts left.”

As we walk through the Alley people stare at us. A wizard with long, blonde hair turns his nose up at us and stalks away.

“People like that,” I whisper to Noah, “call me Mudblood.”

He glances over his shoulder and makes a face.

“This is incredible,” Jayden says, staring around him.

“Just you wait,” I grin as we approach Gringotts, “and you should see it during the summer break. It’s packed! There’s hardly anyone here now.

“Enter stranger, but take heed-”

“It’s just a warning against stealing,” I interrupt Tristan, “come on.”

“Oh my-”


“What are those-”

“Shh,” I frown, “don’t be rude. They’re goblins.”

My brothers stare around them, looking uneasy. Even Tyler and Michael breathe sighs of relief when we leave.

“Now what do you need?” Mum asks, “Alex? Alex!”

I jump and turn away from the Quidditch supply store.

“Ink,” I say, “and parchment, I guess.”

“What’s in that store?” Noah asks as we walk away.

“It’s a Quidditch store,” I tell him, “it sells Quidditch robes, brooms, that sort of stuff. I wish I had a broom.”

“Why don’t you ask Mum for one?”

“Brooms are expensive,” I tell him, “besides, there’s no point. I’d never get on the Gryffindor team, anyway.”

“How do you know?” Noah presses.

“Because they already have a brilliant team,” I say, “Harry is the youngest seeker in a century, Oliver is a fantastic seeker, Fred and George are great beaters and Angelina, Alicia and Scarlett, well, Katie right now, are amazing chasers. There’s not room for me.”

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