Chapter 12

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**Alex’s POV**

“Alex! Hey, Alex!”

I groan loudly and roll over. Noah is standing beside my bed, dressed and wrapped in a scarf with a beanie on.

“What?” I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

“It’s snowing!” he cries, “come on, Mum said we can play before breakfast!”

“You go, I’ll sleep,” I mutter, rolling back over.

“Come on Al!” Noah pleads.



I close my eyes and ignore him. I hear him sigh and walk out. I snuggle further down into my blankets and think about the dream I was having. In it I was a brilliant flyer, the best in the school. I played seeker for Gryffindor and won every game.

“AHHHHHH!” I scream. I sit up and shake the snow off my face. Noah smirks at me.

“Ready to play yet?” he asks.

“MUUUUUUM!” I yell, running downstairs, “MUM!”

“What?” she asks, looking up from the pancake mixture she’s making.

“I WANT MY OWN ROOM!” I yell. She exchanges a look with my Dad.

“We know, Alex,” she sighs, “we’ve been talking about it, but we just can’t afford it right now. And you’re gone for most of the year anyway.”

“Why can’t Michael and Tyler share with the other boys?” I ask, “then I can have their room!”

“Michael and Tyler will be going to college soon,” Dad says, “when they move out you can have their room.”

“You promised it to us,” James says, walking in with Jason and Jacob.

“Well, she needs it more-”

“A promise is a promise, Dad,” Jason interrupts, “shorty can just wait.”

“I AM NOT SHORT!” I yell. Mum looks over at me, shocked.

“Alex, what has gotten into you?” she cries, “you’re never this badly behaved!”

I can feel tears welling in my eyes.

“I AM SICK OF THEM!” I scream, pointing at James and Jason, “THEY’RE ALWAYS SO MEAN!”

“Are you feeling okay?” Mum asks, touching my forehead. I pull away angrily.


“Alex, go to your room until you’ve calmed down,” Mum says, frowning. I race upstairs and slam the door behind me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never gone off the handle like this before. I fall onto Lucas’ bed and sob into his pillow. After a little while Mum taps quietly on the door and walks in.

“Hey sweetie,” she says gently, sitting down next to me and stroking my hair, “I think I know what’s going on and I think it’s time we had the woman-to-woman talk. I know this might be awkward, but this is my first time too, so-”

“Mum, I know about periods and stuff,” I interrupt, “I’ve been having periods for the last four months.”

“Oh,” Mum looks startled, “why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me is a better question.”

“So, you know where babies come from?”

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