Yo, yo, yo, yo - dude...chill.

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Welcome to the dark side....

Hello! So yes basically this book will be filled with stuff about me...like dude how vain is that?

But yeah who cares. So I will just do a basic boring 20 facts about me, then we get to the interesting stuff. PS: I will be adding all the HILARIOUS questions you guys asked me through PM. :3

F1: I am really lazy, like really lazy.

F2: I do NOT get turned on by the smut I write. Lol. I really don’t get turned on by any smut.

F3: I am 16.

F4: I am half Arab. XD

F5: I am an Ailee wannabe.

F6: My Bias are; Kai, D.O, Baekhyun ❤

F7: I love fish and all types of seafood.

F8: I speak Arabic, English, French (not really lmao) and studying Korean.

F9: I was born in December and I LOVEEEE the cold.

F10: I have never had a Starbucks before. (This question cracked me up.)

F11: I have a short temper, I get angry very easily.

F12: I’m aggressive and rough, although oddly shy and socially awkward lol.

F13: I hate Avocados. Like belgh.

F14: I am around 5’5 (165CM? Maybe?)

F15: I only find Asian guys good looking now. Other guys (apart from the Teen Wolf squad of hot ass guys) not my type any more :3

F16: The only Kpop friends I have are on the internet, so if you’re a loner — like me and need a KPOP obsessed friend, I’ll gladly be at your service. ^^

F17: I am terrified of horror films, I even can cry at night because of them lol (not really zombies more like ghosts.)

F18: I can be quite sensitive and dense. >.>

F19: I am so so so so perverted...you don’t even want to know. ;)

F20: I guess I am a friendly person XD, so don’t be scared to message me and make friends. 😝

I hope that was satisfying enough LOL. So adiós guys.

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