new insta

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I'm so sorry for all of you on Line that are wondering why the fuck I abandoned my precious group chat. My stupid email which was connected to everything had a glitch a while back and it won't let me open a new one. So I hope that clears up shit.

Oh and I opened a new Instagram page this morning for my readers. Because everyone is pestering me and asking why I don't post any things related to Wattpad on my current personal Instagram and that is because I have FAMILY ON THERE.


So I managed to make a fan insta page which I'm hoping y'all like. I had to use my friends email which pissed me off but anyway.

Its: aileetrash.official

So go follow me for updates on my books, writing contests, graphics and some daily crap. Oh and I'll occasionally do Live's when I'm home alone lol and no one is stalking around so I'll be able to answer your questions live.

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