New Student at Yokai Academy (Chapter One)

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"Hello, my name is Eliza Kobayashi and I am a shadow demon. I am going to be a new girl at this school called Yokai Academy. Sadly I do not know how I am going to fit in at this new school, since I was never good at making friends. I lived with my mother and father but my father is away, so it has only been my mother and I." She said with a sigh but then smiled. "I only hope that I will be able to make friends when I go to this new school.....oh and something I forgot to mention is that this Yokai Academy is a school for monsters. Wish me luck guys."

It was a sunny but cloudy morning when Eliza's alarm clock went off. She sighed, knowing this was the day she was going to Yokai Academy. Still sleeping as her hand went to find the off button, soon hitting it, turning it off. Eliza rose from her bed, the sheets falling back as her arms stretched above her head. She had shoulder length, white hair, with bangs that covered her red eyes. She had pale skin but it wasn't so pale when she was in the human world. The morning went on and Eliza was already packed, about to head downstairs. After walking downstairs with her bags, she told her mother goodbye and that she would write. Eliza ran out the door so that she could head to the bus stop, praying she would not miss the bus. It had been an hour since she had made it to the bus stop and still no bus. Letting out a soft sigh, she sat on her bags and continued to wait. 
     "How much longer is the bus going to be?" Eliza wondered out loud as she ran a hand through her white hair. Suddenly she heard beeping and her head shot up, red eyes wide. She looked around and spotted the bus, smiling. "Finally." She said as she stood up, grabbing her bags.

The door to the bus opened and there sat a creepy, looking bus driver. His voice was a bit rough, his lips holding a cigarette as he talked.  "Yokai Academy?" He asked the girl who stood in front of the bus doors.
       Eliza nodded her head as she received a nod back, the driver telling her to get in, which she did. Soon the doors closed and the bus started to move once more. Eliza sighed to herself as she took a seat, looking out the window. She didn't know another person, a boy, was sitting in a few seats over from her.  The boy would look over at her every once in a while but she didn't look towards him. She didn't want to get involved but she wanted to make friends. The boy noticed she looked a bit lonely and walked over to her, sitting beside her.

      "Hello. My name is Tsukune Aono. What is your name?" He asked with a smile on his face.

Eliza looked at him but only for a moment then away as she answered. "My name is Eliza Kobayashi." She didn't really seem interested in the boy because she could tell he was human. Since she is a demon, a shadow demon, but demon nonetheless, she can sense the souls of all creatures. She was not pleased with who was talking to her. Suddenly the bus went through a tunnel and suddenly appeared into the light once more, only to see a huge school. Both Eliza and Tsukune looked out the window to take in the view of the school.
        The bus came to a stop at the bus stop for Yokai Academy, even though it was a good ways away from the stop. Eliza picked up her bags and started to walk towards the Academy. Tsukune blinked as he hurried up, picking up his bags and tried to catch up with her.

     "Hey! Wait up!" He yelled, seeing how she was very ahead of him. Tsukune tried his best to catch up to her and soon he did. "You walk really fast. You must run track or something." He smiled as he itched his cheek.

Eliza did not respond to his statement as she continued to walk. She did not like talking to humans as they seemed to be very bad people, who treat creatures horribly. They finally made it to Yokai Academy or close enough, they were in the forest still. The sight of school made Eliza smile as she took in the school even more than when she was on the bus. She walked in, yet again, walking ahead of Tsukune, who was following behind her still, but she ignored him. As they continued to walk, Eliza could hear the faint sounds of wheels of a bike coming their way and suddenly a scream.

      "LOOK OUT!" Came a female voice as a female figure appeared and ran into Tsukune with her and her bike, knocking both of them down.

  Eliza had jumped into a tree before getting hit and jumped down after they had both crashed into the ground. Eliza jumped down from the tree, landing on the ground perfectly, her red eyes looking at the two figures on the ground through her bangs. A sigh was let out from her lips as she shook her head at them.
     "I am so sorry." Came the female's voice as she was rubbing her head. "Are you alright?" She asked as she finally looked up only to feel the boys hand on her thigh. Tuskune groaned as he looked up, rubbing his head with one hand.

      "I'm sorry, I should of watched where I was going." Tsukune said as he finally looked up at the female, only to have his eyes widened. She was so pretty, long pink hair, green eyes and lovely skin. He then saw his hand on her thigh and pulled away quickly, backing away from her.
The female looked at him but then she sniffed the air, smelling the sweet scent of...blood? She looked at the boy and noticed he was bleeding.  "Oh my! You're hurt!" She looked in her coat pocket and took out a cloth. "Here let me help you." When she leaned over to whip the blood, she froze as she sniffed the blood from his small wound.

      "I....I'm sorry but......I just can't help myself." The pink haired female said as her hands rested on his chest right before she bit him!?

~Authors Note~
       Here is another story I am working on. I hope you enjoy it, and I will be working on the next chapter soon. Please comment and vote!^^ I can not wait to see what you all think of it.

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