Did they find out her monster form? (Chapter 3)

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  Glowing red eyes glowed brightly in the darkness that surrounded all three of the girls. Kurumu looked a bit scared but was standing her ground, she didn't know what was coming to her, no idea what was ahead. Eliza smiled a devilish smile as her eyes continued to glow brightly. Kurumu watched as her eyes widened when she saw that her illusions were destroyed but how could she have done that? Eliza then vanished and suddenly Kurumu was kicked into a tree as she gasped.

    "H-how?! You're not a vampire!" Kurumu yelled as she coughed. She looked at Eliza, trying to study her, she had glowing red eyes and darkness had surrounded them when she started to fight. She tried to gather all of this together.

"Still trying to think of what I am? You're wasting time, Succubus." Eliza said as she walked over to her, fangs showing slightly from when she smiled. It was like she wasn't as sweet as she was before. 
     Kurumu's eyes widened as Eliza neared closer and closer. Kurumu tried to form an attack but Eliza quickly reflected it and with such speed, such as a vampire but Kurumu didn't believe she could be the powerful creature of the night.....a vampire. She stood up as her nails grew longer, getting ready to attack but more darkness surrounded them and red, glowing eyes, that looked almost cat-like.
   "Eliza, don't hurt her!" Came a voice, It was Moka's voice. Eliza stopped in her tracks as she growled slightly at Moka.

"Why should I not kill her!? She attacked us. Almost killed us!" Eliza growled out as her eyes glowed even more now. She stopped as she looked down, fists forming at her side and soon all darkness vanished and her eyes went back to normal. "Fine, you want her alive, I'll keep her alive for now." Eliza said as she turned to face Moka. She was a bit mad but glad that Moka had stopped her before she had done something wrong.

"W-why? I.....I tried to kill you..." Kurumu started to cry as she tried her best to wipe her tears away. 

     Moka walked over and bent down next to Kurumu and gave her a soft smile. "Because I know you didn't mean anything. We forgive you, right Eliza?" Moka smiled as she held out a hand to Kurumu.

"I guess so...." Eliza muttered as she had her back to them. "Come on, let's head to the dorms..." Eliza said as she started to walk already. 
     Moka and Krumu nodded as they both stood up and started to follow. They looked at each other then at Eliza. They were both wondering what had caused that darkness back there at the fight. They wanted to ask her but would want till they arrived at the dorms. Once they made it to the dorms, they stopped at asked Eliza something.

"Eliza...exactly what are you?" Moka asked.

 Eliza looked at them with an eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?" She asked.

    "We know you can't tell us but we want to know what we saw back there...." Kurumu said as she held her arms across her chest, looking at Eliza. Eliza looked at both of them as she smirked, she didn't care if she really broke the rule. She had already used her powers to begin with. She then nodded as she brought them inside her dorm then shut and locked the door behind them.

"If you really want to know...I'm a demon. Creature of Hell." Eliza said as she leaned her body against the door. She didn't show any worry of have just broken one of the two rules.

   Kurumu and Moka looked at each other then at Eliza. They had never heard of a demon, creature of Hell before, not even in school. They were all silent until they all suddenly screamed from hearing a loud shot and suddenly the lights went out, a smirk only heard in the dark. 

    ~Authors Note~
                Here is the next chapter, please enjoy. I hope you all l like it, comment and vote please. ^_^




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