Chapter 1: A White Room

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I blinked once or twice, a bright whiteness surrounded me. If there was a source of light it was hidden from my eyes, in fact everything felt hidden. This place felt extint to anything and nearly everything, this white abyss held only two things.

My ears searched for a sound, my breathing felt louder than ever, engulfing me in paranoia within, what felt like, hours. My eyes searched endlessly for a bending shadow, a bit of color or maybe even a beam of light. The air around me was heavy and I couldn't breathe, but for an odd reason there wasn't a need to breathe. I became frightened. I didn't want to be frightened. I didn't like what i was feeling either. My sanity was crumbling. An echoing sound filled the abyss, I let my ears drink it up before I my head snapped up to see a terrifying figure. The whiteness revealed walls and a corner with a little boy standing in it. I could only see the walls because of the blood spread across it. The little boy was stained in blood as well as the floors around him. From my mouth escaped a gasp of shock.

The little boy's head turned and looked striaght towards me. I attempted to step backwards but my feet had rooted to the spot. I felt like I was moving backwards though or maybe it was the room moving backwards. The little boy's feet were able to bring him closer though. I opened my mouth to shout, "GET AWAY!" but nothing had come out. I had stopped breathing ages ago. I took in a deep breath in attempt to slow down my heart a bit as well. A stench of decay and freshly reeped blood invaded the air that I had gasped in. I choked on it and coughed, the dirty feet that belonged to the little boy tread closer and closer. My body began to panic, he was but a mere 5 feet away when I found my voice and yelled aloud, "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" The little boy stopped, but with an expression I thought unimanginable. Hisdemented face looked sad.

His eyes were a bright red for a moment until I realized my eyes were washing away the deep gray- green eyes, nearly masked by a the mess of black hair on top of his head. His face was beautiful even though it was stained with blood. He said, "Be careful, ok? I still love you, my princess." He gave a weak smile that contradicted his facial expression. His smile revealed a row of pearly white teeth that disappeared just as quickly as his blood encrusted face.

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