A fake school role play

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Hope you like it. It's not based on real life, but real people. :/ It's about the Solar System if you like science.
Teacher: Okay, class! I have very important news! It's a surprise, actually.
Evan: What is it, what is it?
Teacher 2: Be quiet, so he can tell you. (I decided to put 2 teachers in it.)
Teacher: We are going on a field trip!
Whole class: *gasps*
Alyssa and Ayden at the same time: To where?
Mattie and Paris: *starts laughing hysterically*
Teacher: I guess we won't go to the field trip then if you're acting like this.
Whole class: *gets quiet immediately*
Teacher: We're going to space!
Alyssa: You're kidding, right?
Teacher: Well, let's see for ourselves. *walks out of the classroom and goes outside as the class follows*
Class: *sees a big rocket in the parking lot*
Teacher: Yep! We're going to space! Get you're space gear!
Narrator: 30 minutes later.
Teacher: Okay, now we have our space gear! Now get in the rocket!
Narrator: 10 minutes later.
Ayden: I can't believe we're actually going into space! I want to see how big Jupiter is!
Alyssa: Yeah, right. Jupiter is too far from Earth. So is Saturn. Even though it's my favorite planet.
Teacher: *presses the right buttons to go in space* What planet should we go to first?
Mason: The moon!
Teacher: Moon, it is!
Narrator: 3 days later.
Teacher: Look outside! *looks out the window*
Karsten: Wow! That's a lot of craters!
Lindsey: Could they make a heart-shaped crater for Anthony and I? *makes the heart shape with her hands*
Teacher: Let's walk out!
Narrator: 1 hour later.
Teacher: Yes, you notice there is zero gravity, so we float. What planet should we go to next?
Briana: Mars!
Teacher: Back in the rocket!
Narrator: 5 and a half years later.
Teacher: *voices sounds older* Mars! The red planet!
Whole class: *everyone's voices sound older* Whoa!
Teacher: We can go to 5 more planets. Let's just go down the row. Jupiter.
Alyssa: You'll still never make it.
Ayden: I remember this conversation from 5 and a half years ago! It's possible!
Narrator: 7 full years later.
Ayden: We're 23 years old now, and still in fifth grade!
Mattie: Yeah! We'll all be out of college by the time we're 40!
Teacher: Now there is Jupiter! You're a little too old for me to tell you this.
Me: No, you're fine!
Ayden: I'm gonna go hop on Jupiter! *gets out of rocket*
Alyssa: Ayden, no!
Ayden: *gets sucked up by Jupiter's gravity and dies*
Alyssa: *starts crying* I always loved you, Ayden! (It's true, she likes him in real life.)
Mattie: What did you say, Alyssa?
Alyssa: Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it.
Teacher: Next up, Saturn!
Narrator: 4 full years later.
Alyssa: We're 27 now! And on Saturn!
Mattie: I'm so touching it's rings! And the death of Ayden was 4 years ago! *flies out of rocket*
Alyssa: Hey! *follows* *Mattie and Alyssa gets stuck on Saturn and dies*
Teacher: Now, Uranus!
Narrator: 5 years later.
Mason: I'm 32! How about you?
Lindsey: I'm sad.
Mason: Why?
Lindsey: Have you not noticed? Both our teachers died 2 years ago, and we're still in space!
Mason: Oh. Well, let's go out to Uranus!
Lindsey: Okay! *gets out of rocket and falls out into the universe and misses Uranus and dies*
Mason: Ooooh.... That's bad. At least there's 18 of us left...
Me: Nope! 15! Taylor, Anthony, and Karsten went and followed Lindsey. *hears Josh die* Make that 14 including me and you.
Mason: Now, Neptune!
Narrator: 3 years later.
Isabel: I'm 35! I'm going out to Neptune cuz it's my favorite planet!
Mason: Izzy, no!
Isabel: *falls into Neptune's blue water and drowns*
Rachel: 13 left including you and me.
Mason: Pluto.
Narrator: 450 years later, EVERYONE IS DEAD. THE END!!!!! HOPED YOU LIKED IT!!!! 😀
NOW A BONUS PART:::-------
Skeleton Mason: Well, at least we made it to Pluto.
Skeleton Rachel: Yes, but we're DEAD.
Skeleton Skyla: At least we didn't die in a planet...
Spirit Ayden: *floats out of Jupiter* Yes! I'm alive! I'm gonna find Alyssa and Mattie! But they're dead.. Like me.. But wait! They must be on the planet Saturn, I know it!
Spirit Alyssa: Okay, we died in Saturn! So what? At least we died together!
Spirit Mattie: *laughs* Yeah. I wanted that to happen.
Spirit Alyssa: *sees spirit Ayden*
Spirit Ayden: Hello!
Spirit Alyssa and Mattie at the same time: AAAAAHHH!!!!!?
Skeleton Skyla: Yeah. I wonder how it would of been.
Spirit Lindsey: I have been in the universe for 1000 years! It was weird.
Spirit Karsten: Yeah, agreed.
Spirit Isabel: I feel so wet right now!
Skeleton Garrett: I feel bad for them, though.

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