0. An Introduction

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An Introduction

I sat there on my bed, contemplating whether I should sign the flimsy piece of paper in my hand or not. I'll admit. Selling my body is not the most ideal way to make money but I didn't see an alternative.

I needed money. an income. I couldn't keep salvaging off my relatives. Dad's company was after him for God knows what, mum was working two jobs and I had 4 other siblings that needed to be provided for. School was just giving me both a head ache and heart ache and to top it off, I still didn't have a job.

I gazed down at the envelope of the letter addressed to me. It was a clean white with my name stencilled on it in a drastic cursive that could kill any nun. Perhaps it was them. The Buyers. I was told by a cohort that they liked to address you directly before an official meeting. I was a tad bit confused as to why I was receiving a letter though. I had only lodged in my application on monday and it was thursday today. It had been accepted only yesterday and the auction commenced this morning to my knowledge. Out of the millions of other desperate or promiscuous females that entered, I was finding it hard to believe that I could have possibly already received attention from potential buyers.

Well, I did do some research matter of factly and it states that this business is of very broad relation to society. The only reason it isn't that known is because it usually takes place in a more elite class and profile compared to average workers of the business.

I wasn't completely sure what other small bits of detail I had to look into before signing up but I figured that I should just go with it. I haven't got that much to lose, being no worse off than I am now.

Just to be on the safe side, I read over the sheet a couple more times.

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