Chapter 2

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My trainer, Darius, is hard to impress. He has no sympathy to our fragility, or rather, Morgan's. I, on the other hand, do not want sympathy. I am the type of person who will work to impress instead of succumb to the need of sympathy. If I am hurting, I will get over it. More often than not, I can get over it by myself. There are times, when I actually need another person to help me, but all they do is talk. I can get lost in that kind of stuff. If someone is telling me a story, I can make it into a movie in my mind. That's just how my brain works.
Darius comes from a more fine tuned, one child only family. He's the only child of an only child of an only child. I'm not sure what his plan for children is right now.
My trainings consist of running, fighting and camo skills. I also work on survival skills. I have to build fires, make tents, and hunt. I am basically a boy scout. Except I am a girl. Well, me being a girl doesn't ever stop me. I can still pound any person to a pulp in less than twelve seconds.
Darius is perfect. He's 22 years old. He has natural spiky black hair. He is muscular and gorgeous. It's too bad that I've known him since the day I walked out of my mother's womb. Otherwise, everything would be...different.
My mother, along with all of my family's mothers, probably died in childbirth. I never knew her. I don't even know what her name was. I've never seen my birth certificate. All I really know is that she looked just like me. She had naturally curly red hair. Apparently, I inherited that. Rose was the lucky one. She got the straight blond hair. Well, not really lucky, but I never like anything. Rose...oh, how I envy her. She has nothing to worry about. She will graduate high school and go to college. She will be successful. I'll never have the chance. I'll be lucky if I make it until 30, much less go to college. The government doesn't like it when people have something to blackmail them with.
The only school I go to is training. I went to school for around nine years. Then, I just got my GED. So, I'm basically emancipated from everyone. I can work, I don't go to school, and I am a lethal weapon. What's to keep the government from sending someone to kill me right now? Simple. They have no reason to. Also, there's no one who would even dare to try, much less succeed. If I were to ever be killed by anyone, I would want it to be Darius. I believe he's the only one who could actually have the skill to do it, anyway. Darius is the only thing that keeps me sane nowadays. I swear, it seems like everytime someone tries to tell me something, I want to punch them. I don't know if it's just because they are irritating or if they really are saying something I don't like. I guess it would depend on the topic of conversation.
For instance, my older brother Vinnie was trying to explain about how his ex-girlfriend was a creeper. I think, out of all of Vinnie's girlfriends, I only approved of her. Her name was Shavonn. She was short and really pretty. She had perfect brown ringlets always cascading down her back. Her eyes were green. Jade green, just like mine. Well, the contacts, not my actual eyes. I have known this girl for years. Vinnie liked her forever. Why only now he is dating her and why they broke up, I do not know. He never told me. We're really close, too, so if he was going to tell someone, it would have been me. Or at the most, Morgan, his twin. Oh, yeah. There's something I never mentioned about Vinnie. He has a weird fetish. Short girls are his fetish. Shavonn is 4'9'' tall. He is 6'7''. I hate having to look up to him. He's really muscular and ugh. He's also really smart. He has invented many important gadgets for me. He's the only one who really knows what I do. He's made a device that sends out a high pitched noise to incapacitate other people. As long as I have earbuds in, it doesn't affect me. He's also made me a bunch of really tiny, heat powered flashlights. He makes glasses that have internet connection. That's been a thing for a while, but most of them are not voice activated. He also made a connection device. It goes into my ear, Morgan's ear, Ricardo's ear, and secretly his as well. His most recent invention was a wall adapter. That's not all it is. It also has a tiny camera and microphone. It also charges my Iphone, which is probably the most important part.
It's not that I don't like the fact that he's really strong and is possibly the only person who could ever actually damage me, but I find it weird. Why would one need that much strength? My strength is in my mind. I have body strength, sure, but I only use that when I have to kill. I usually use neck-breaking. It's easier to clean up and faster. Painless. Guns are messy. Knifes are disgusting. Yuck. I wouldn't want to die that way. So, I wouldn't kill someone else that way.
I think my father is planning something. He has that mischievous gleam in his eye. All of us got that from him. Anyway, I think he's planning on sending us somewhere. Somewhere far away. It's not like we're poor, quite the opposite, actually. I can just do things without being seen. The paparazzi are constantly catching everyone else. They know about me, yes, but they never see me. I fade into the background.  
His voice, so...quiet, yet it is the only thing I can hear. He usually doesn't come to me like this, unless I am dreaming. Then I realize: he's in my earbud, calling my name, while I am asleep. I should wake up.
"Jade," Darius. So sweetly, but with such authority, I am always forced to obey.
"Yes?" I mutter slowly, half hoping he is beckoning me to his rooms again.
"You have a new mission. A person named Rinaldi. Jhan Rinaldi. He was apparently an important political figure, until he was caught accepting bribes from terroristic groups. The G-men didn't want to task themselves with taking him out, so they called us. Morgan is busy, so you have to do it."
"How long do I have until I need to begin?"
"About five hours. I thought that would be enough time to pack some stuff and get over to South Korea for the take out. You'll get more information next time you check in from South Korea. Oh, and Jade? Wear something nice. I'll be taking you to dinner before we officially start this mission. I'll be joining you this time."
Darius and me, all alone, in South Korea? Something isn't right. Not only would that be bad for the both of us, but I've always been able to handle myself. I work on missions alone. He's done his alone too. The only time we've ever needed help from one another was when I did my first mission. He was right with me, in an earpiece, coaching me through the whole thing. Other than that, I can't remember ever actually working together on a case.
"Darius, what do you mean by joining me? We do solo missions."
"I'll tell you more later, but I have to pack too. I'll pick you up in five hours. Be ready, I don't like to be kept waiting."
That I already knew. In fact, the only reason I never ask for help on missions now is from firsthand experience of making him wait. I try my hardest not to talk to him unless he's showing me a new tactical move, or he speaks first. We usually train in silence. It's gotten too awkward to actually talk since my first mission. That mission wasn't only the hardest because of what it entailed, but because of what happened between Darius and I. He gets a whole chapter, as I promised earlier.

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