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Nico and Percy were right when they thought that people would start ignoring them.After that night with Capture the Flag every where they went campers watched them go by with fear and disgust.They couldn't help but feel betrayed that the people who was kind to them barely 24 hours ago would look at them as if they were a disease.

Conner and Travis would still hang out with them ,but it seemed as if they were trying to get used to their friends parentage.When they would go to the arena campers would leave immediately too afraid to spar with them.Percy couldn't help but remember when they were in school and all the hurtful things that were said to him and his brother.

He remembered how a camper he believed her name was Annabeth started the teasing just the other day.


Percy got up in the morning knowing that he would have to deal with the feeling of not being wanted.Evend though it was a feeling he has had most of his life.

After breakfast he started walking toward the woods to train in peace.Just as he was halfway through camp that he accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry about that i wasn't watching where i was going,"Percy said as he turned to face the person.

Just as the girl finally realised who he was she looked up at him with anger and what Percy would guess jealousy.Though he wasn't sure what she could be jealous of such as be shunned by everyone.

"Oh its you.Who do you think you are walking around as if you and your brother own the place.Thinking that your superior than everyone else.Just because your dad is one of the Big Three."

"You think it's fun being ignored by people you considered friend just a few days ago!Whats the glory in that!"Percy yelled as he gt tired of her thinking as if she knew him.

"As if freak you and your brother are nothing attention seeking brats"she said looking at him skeptically as she gave him one last glare before walking off.

Percy stood there thinking back of all the times he and Nico were thought to only want attention.No matter what they said grownups always thought they were lying.

'Why couldn't our lives be easier' Prcy last thought before walking back to his cabin not feeling like training anymore.

End of Flashback

Percy shook his head trying to put that day behind him.When passing the cabins Percy saw the Stoll brothers and decided to ask if they wanted to hang out with him and Nico.

"Hey Conner,Travis wanna hang out with me and Nico?"Percy questioned thinking that they would say no.

The brothers looked at each other before smiling at Percy."Sure sounds like fun and now we can think of new pranks to pull on the cabins,"they said with mischievous grins.

Percy was shocked,but glad that at least something hasn't changed.They walked into the Hermes cabin to grab some supplies and junk food.

They decided to scare the Hades out of Nico which the phrase Percy found offensive.Lucky for them Nico was taking a nap sometimes Percy swears that Nico is a 2 year old.He looked so peaceful Percy almost felt guilty for the idea of scaring him awake.


"BOOOOOOO"they screamed in Nico's face.His eyes flew open and practically went flying off the bed onto the floor with a thud.Percy and the Stolls were to busy laughing that they didn't notice the death glare Nico was giving them.

"PERCY,STOLLS YOU BETTER RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU!!" Nico yelled angry that they woke him up from his nap.Percy and the stoll's grins were wiped off there faces as realization kicked in.

They started running faster than you could say Olympus.Nico chased them all throughout camp only stopping for a lunch break the back to chasing them again.Even though it was a scary experience of nearly being skinned alive they were laughing throughout the whole day.

By the time they got to the Hades cabin all they wanted to do was pass out and sleep for weeks or better yet months.After a four hour nap they woke with a mischievous determination in their eyes.

They spent most of dinner in the cabin being as reckless as five year olds on a sugar rush.Then it came with planning the pranks.Though they were going all out on this one,they were going to prank the entire camp.

"Maybe we can get back at everyone that was ever mean to us"suggested Nico as they were coming up with plans for each cabin.

"I agree with Nico nobody messes with our friends!"Travis and Conner said with anger and passion.They made plans to make sure that the whole camp suffered,but mostly the ones that made fun of their friends.

They waited until midnight that they striked .With Percy and Nico's new powers they were certain it would be easier to escape.They found out that Nico and Percy were able to travel by the shadows.

Each Di Angelo brother paired up with one of the Stolls so that they had a quick get away.They striked each cabin with a prank that seemed fit to get back at them.By the time they finished they couldn't help but laugh quietly at the thought of what's to come in the morning.When entering the cabin they fell asleep before their heads hit the pillows.

The Di angelos and Stolls were startled awake by the sound of screams from outside.When they walked outside they were greated by a sight.The Ares cabin were girlied up,Athena cabin were screaming from fake spiders,Aphrodite cabin was painted black along with their clothes,and ect.

They were laughing so hard that they were surprised that their ribs didn't crack.Percy and Nico felt better knowing that the camp go a taste of their own medicine.Even if they felt a little guilty at first,Percy and Nico both hoped that maybe things would go back to normal in time.

After the whole prank episode the rest of the day went great.Even though they still weren't liked at camp at least they weren't screaming insults to them.They had no idea that their lives were going to make a dramatic turn for the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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