He Got Served

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I just stare into the house through the open door. Burt pushes me inside and shuts the door behind us. He walks out of the room, into what looks like the kitchen. 'Thanks a lot, buddy,' I think.

I'm afraid to talk. Not because they're super famous, but because this is my father and the woman who took him away from me. Somehow, I can't take my eyes off of them, no matter how hard I try. Is it the fact that I hate them? No. The stardom? NO! They're staring back at me? Bingo! 

Finally, Dad speaks,"Willow, I'm your father and this is your step-mother, Katherine."

This is literally the first thing that comes to my mind to say,"Can I just call her Katherine? 'Cause, step-mom makes me feel weird, like my real mom is dead."

Dad glances down at Katherine, who looks up at him. She says,"Of course, call me anything you'd like. Just...no cursing."

"No problem, I don't curse. So...where should I put my stuff?"

"Oh!" Dad exclaims,"We set up a room for you."

He starts up the giant staircase, I glance at Katherine and she motions for me to go up before her. I dash up the stairs to catch up to Dad, Katherine trailing behind us. 

Once we're up on the hard wood second floor, Dad goes down the left hallway (there were 3) and walks into the second door on the left. 

I walk in behind him. I gasp. The room is huge! It has its own huge balcony. There's high ceilings and a giant chandelier. The walls are gray with a baby blue tint. The furniture is white de-stressed wood. The sheets and pictures on the wall were all beach themed. I walk into my closet, yes it's a giant walk in! There's a giant shoe rack and some shelves, as well as hanging areas. 

The bathroom continues the beach theme. It has one sink with lots of counter space. There's a soaking tub, a toilet, and a giant shower. It's practically the size of my room! 

"Is it okay?" Katherine asks, with a worried look on her face.

"Oh...," I say with a grin on my face,"it's more than I could've hoped for. It's huge!"

"Really?" my dad says. "This is a tiny room compared to the one you will get when we go to Hawaii!"

"Then, I can't wait for Hawaii!" I exclaim, then I realize something. "We're going to Hawaii?"

"Oh, yeah! Surprise!" Katherine says rather enthusiastically, along with some jazz hands.

"So, you know how I'm directing that new movie, Beach Party?" Dad asks. I nod. "Well...we are filming here, but the final scene and premiere are going to be in Hawaii. It'll be on the Big Island."

"Well, at least I'll have something to look forward to this summer," I say, then realizing what I said. Dad looks hurt.

"I mean," clearing my throat nervously,"that I'll need a change of scenery after staying on set so long, that's all."

"Burt could always drive you to Disney World, the mall, or take you on a cruise," Katherine suggests.

"No, it's fine. I love reading so the only place I probably make him take me is the bookstore and the mall, I'm a a fashion and makeup youtuber. I've only just started my channel, but this summer seems like a good time to work on it."

"Well, Willow, I hope you become the most popular youtuber in the internet land."

"Thanks, Katherine."

"I'll just get unpacked. What time is dinner?"

"6:30," Katherine answers.

"Oh, good I have two hours!"

"We'll leave you to it."

They leave my room. I sigh, there's so much to unpack. I hoist my bag onto my queen sized bed and unzip it. The very first thing I see in it is the picture of my mom and I together on our couch when I was 5. I smile, that day I graduated kindergarten and we when to the store to get Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I even got my own small container of Ameri-cone Dream, my favorite flavor! 

I place that picture on my night stand. 


I read the clock on my phone, it's 6:27, almost time for dinner. I walk down the long flight of stairs, trying to remember where the door I saw Burt walk through is. 

I finally remember. 

I walk into the dining room. At the giant designer table I see my father and Katherine at either end. I see a boy, around 18, and what looks like his parents seated next to my father. There's a girl across from them with her parents. 

"Oh! Darling!" my dad exclaims. Everyone looks up at me.

I just stand there, staring at my dad. "I didn't know we were having guests, especially on my first day here."

He ignores me,"Everyone, this is my daughter, Willow. Willow, this is Ryder Micheals." Dad motions to the boy. "And this is Amanda Dune." He motions to the girl. "And their parents."

"May I ask why they're here?" 

"Oh! Amanda and Ryder are starring in my movie! Yeah, you see, it's about a surfer, Ryder, who falls in love with another surfer, Amanda, during Summer Vacation. It's a musical, all of the songs were written by Meghan Trainer."

Amanda screams a little,"Yes! Meghan and I are the best of friends! You see, I helped her manager book some of her gigs!"

"I didn't know you liked to manage, Amanda," my father replies.

"Oh, Willow, dear, sit down!" Katherine says, she pats the seat in between her and Ryder. I obey and sit down.

Ryder smiles at me. If he's trying to get me to swoon over him, it's not going to work. He's needs to get the message, so I roll my eyes at him while crossing my arms. His smile quickly fades and he turns to Dad,"Sir, I didn't know you had a daughter."

Dad looks up,"She lives in Minnesota with her mother. This is the first time we've met face to face. The press doesn't know about her, yet. I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible."

Burt comes in with a cart stacked with food,"Dinner is served."

I glance at the plates to see steaks,"Is now a bad time to mention I'm vegetarian?"


Sorry it took so long to update! I hope you guys liked it! Again, if you want a character to be named after you comment anywhere in this chapter! If you don't know what to comment, comment what your favorite ride is at Disney World or Land. 

Anyway, I had to re-do this chapter because the beginning felt really forced. I thought I was going to get to the next day in this chapter, but I apparently write more than I thought I did. 

Who's your favorite character so far? Let me know in the comments!

-Mia <3

Word Count: 1143

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