Tadashi No!

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Hiro's P.O.V
No words can describe how I feel. He left me. Tears stream down my face as I lay on Tadashi's bed. I let out a heart wrenching sob heard by everyone in the café. Why, why did he have to be so selfless all the time? More sobs rack through my body as I cough, my throat feeling dry and sore. I can't stop the tears, I wail like a broken soul would. How could I not, my Niisan is dead! Finally I stop and wrap my arms around one of Tadashi's pillows and cry. Cry, wanting this to be a dream. But it's not I remind myself harshly. He's gone....
"Tadashi..." I whisper in a broken voice, "Why.." . I weep and ignore the hunger in my stomach. I feel like I going to be sick. I lay there bawling until I eventually succumb to the darkness. However I can't tell if I fainted or fell asleep. I see the fire. The one that took Tadashi.
I whimper in my sleep, unknown to me. I miss you so so much Tadashi....

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