His Favourite Thing About You

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He loves your h/c hair and enjoys playing with it or making a braid when you are laying with your head in his lap.

His favourite thing about you is your eyes. He finds them very attractive, especially while you're laughing or smiling and they shine with happiness.

He loves your voice. The way you talk to him or mutter something when you're asleep. Even when you sing some cheesy stuff in the shower or just sing along to your favourite song on the radio.

His favourite thing about you is your laugh. It can be so loud sometimes, but he adores it anyway and starts giggling non-stop himself.

He adores your small hands and the way you tangle your fingers with his while you two are cuddling or just sitting together.

He likes your imperfections. He thinks they make you beautiful and unique. And when you complain about your definitely not bad appearance, he wraps his arms around you and says that you're the most stunning woman in the world.

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