
27 1 0

Darwin sighed as he swept the floor of the stables. Prince Xynn had only that morning informed him due to his small stature he was not accepted in the army. He grumbled as he swept the stable floor “maybe in time if you grow” Xynn had told him. He snorted, ‘yeah right’ he muttered to himself knowing he was, in fact, as large as hed ever be.

“Darwin, my boy!” His uncle Carbon called warmly embracing the boy.

Darwin sighed, “Hello, uncle, been awhile, yes?”

“Aye, how long? At least a year!”

“Three years uncle, three years,” Darwin corrected with a small smile.

 “You got in I’m sure?” His uncle exclaimed, “I came to congradulate you!”

 Darwin sighed,"I didn’t get in, Price Xynn said I'm too small!”

Carbon scowled “Well you are rather small but your tougher than elves three times your size! Someone should physically knock some sense into that over spoiled child!” his uncle roared.

 “Uncle Carbon! Please calm down! Your in his stable just now, you don’t want him hearing things like that.” Darwin hissed with an annoyed look.

Carbon calmed down a bit, “Well anyhow, just keep trying, prove to the majesty your fit for entry!” he said reassuringly.

 Darwin smiled and nodded his head. “Thank you uncle but I really must get back to work.” He said as he  started to sweep again.

 “So if trainings done, will you be coming back to live with me or finding your own place?” Carbon asked not taking the hint to leave.

“Moving in with you, you know I said I’d never move out till I found a wife.” Darwin reminded.

 “You know there are plenty of fine lady elves out there who would love to marry a handsome young elf as yourself."

“Yes but uncle weve discussed this! I wont marry until I find a lady I really love.”

“Awww your no fun!” Carbon whined.

“I’m plenty of fun just not shallow,” Darwin corrected chuckling. It was true, many of the young elf ladies talked about Darwin, his shaggy black hair and absorbing blue eyes. He was considered one of the best looking elves in the whole town. And although tiny in size he was shockingly strong. He was already twenty one and still hadn’t married, extremely rare for any elf.

“Hows the wood work been going?” Darwin asked his uncle as Carbons job was as a carpenter, making furnature for homes and building wagons for travel.

 “Ah its been just fine, although business is, as it always is, slow at this time of the year.” Carbon answered cheerfully, he grabbed a broom and started to asist Darwin. “Many hands make light labour, right boy?”

 “Yes uncle, always.” Darwin said lightly.

“I am hoping to take you out for lunch this afternoon, would you accept?” Carbon asked, knowing already that Darwin would.

“Of course uncle, I would love to!” Darwin exclaimed happily, giving his head a sideways swing to knock the hair off his face. “Shall little Sing join us? She must be what, ten or so now?” Darwin asked reffering to his younger cousin, Carbons daughter

“Aye if you wouldn’t mind I’m sure she’d love to talk to you again! You know how she adores you.”

“Yes, yes, it’s been so long!”

 “Well she’s just out of the stable playing with the kittens.”

“Well the floor looked clean enough and Ive already fed the horses so lets go!” Darwin said putting away his broom and trotting out the door, tucking a loose clump of hair behind his pointy elf ear.

“Darwin!” Sing yelled running at him and tackling him with a large hug.

“Sing, its been so long, youve grown so big!” he cried pushing her at arms length and examining her long smooth blonde hair and beautiful face face.

“Thanks Darwin! But you haven’t grown much have you?” She asked noting his still small size with a giggle.

“No, love, not much at all.” he admitted.

“How have you been?” she asked grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the wagon while Carbon just chuckled.

“Oh angel, Ive been great! During the training I made plenty of good buddys." he sad not mentioning that all of those buddys had said nothing when they were accepted into the army and he wasn’t.

“Dont worry Darwin, you’ll get in soon enough” Sing promised.

“Oh you little stinker, how'd you know I didn’t get in?”

“Oh I could see the disappointment on your face.”

“You trouble maker!” Darwin accused.

Sing laughed and clambered into the cart, “C'mon Darwin, hurry up, Im starving!”

“Order whtever you like!” Carbon told Darwin as they all studied the menu at a cafe in town.

“You've already said I could several times!” Darwin reminded him causing Sing to giggle.

“Whoops you know this old thinker aint in top shape no more.” Carbon said chuckling.

Sing started giggling uncontrollably, “Cmon dear, your eating in. so act like it.” Carbon scolded Sing rather absent mindly.

“Oh uncle, let her giggle, it's absolutely adorable!” Darwin said winking at Sing. Carbon rolled his eyes and smiled when the waiter came striding over.

“What can I get you all?” he asked.

“Uh well I’ll get a simple salad” Carbon said simply, “And the girl will get a patato sandwhich.” he continued, and then gave Darwin a ‘its your turn’ look.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll have a large bowl of carrot soup please.” He ordered.

The waiter returned shortly with their orders.

A/N So this chapter is mostly just about introducing the characters and such... a lot of dialogue, kinda boring :)

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