#2, the Rogues

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Darwin lugged his suitcase slowly into his uncles hut, it was made from mud and wood. It was rather small with only a main room to serve as a kitchen and living room along with two bedrooms. But it was what he had called home for  many years after his father and mother died. He smiled to himself as he unpacked his belongings in Sings room. Home at last.

“Oh Darwin, you can have the top half of the dresser, cause the bottoms got ym stuff!” The little girl chirped cheerfully.

“Sing, dear, be a doll and set my bed will you?” Darwin asked and Sing immediatlly obliged cheerfully. Darwin chuckled as he unpacked, Sings positivity was contagios.

“You kidos almost done?” Carbon asked poking his head in the room, calling them both kids despite the fact that Darwin was twenty one.

“Yes, uncle, nearly, only a moment more. But why the hurry?” Darwin asked.

“Oh Sing knows and you shall know soon enough.” Carbon said causing Sing to giggle, “Yup, its fantastic!” she promised cheerfully. Darwin finished his unpacking was dragged out by the arm to the stables. Those stables had, for years, had held his uncles two ponies and donkey.

“Look Darwin! Look, her names Tihi!” Song cried pointing eagerly to a new little pony.

“Ah! When did you get that beauty?” Darwin asked.

“Only a week ago, bought her off old Mr Tikk” Carbon explained.

“Why'd old Tikk have a young gal like this one?” Darwin asked curiosly.

“His only girl pony Wist had a few babys, and he sold them for half price!” Carbon explained, proud to have gotten a deal.

“How much exactly?”

“Only fifty harts!”

“Most younguns like Tihi are at least a hundered!” Darwin said incrediously. 

“Cmon, Darwin, feel her coat! Its so soft!” Sing cried pulling his hand onto the pony. Darwin laughed and pet the creature slowly.

“Yes Sing, very soft.” He mused quietly and absent mindly. “So wheres Ding and Frit?” he asked reffering to the two older ponys.

“Unfortunatly Dings passed on and Frits over in the corner.” Carbon answered sadly.

Darwin frowned but walked over to pay his greetings to Frit. “Wow hes looking a bit old, eh? Of course it has been three years.” Darwin said scratching the ponys ear causing it to whinny.

“Aye, he is getting a bit sick though, its unfortunate but he has lived a long life already.” Carbon said slowly

“Oh please don’t talk of death and such!” Sing cried, hating the thought of anything dying.

“I’m sorry, Sing, why don’t you go tidy the kitchen while us big guys talk?” Darwin offered.Sing agreed gratefully and skipped off to the house.

“So, whats she got?” Darwin asked seriously, reffering to Frit.

“I think its just old age, but I haven’t gotten around to taking her to the doctor.” Carbon answered quietly.

“Hmm I think I may take her sometime tomorrow.” Darwin offered.

“Sounds like a fine idea, although youll have to bring Sing as I’m working on building the Grounds a new home. Theirs burnt down to the ground last week.” Carbon explained.

“Really? What caused the fire?” Darwin asked worridly.

“Just an oven left on, nothing all that exciting.” Carbon answered with a shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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