Chapter Eight

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They encountered more One-eyes after that, but none of them were in groups like the last attack. The numbers dwindled a little more in the one-through-three range, which was a match more suited to the troopers' liking. It was easier to shoot when you weren't out-numbered by your targets. With each shot, each cyclops taken down, it grew easier and easier. With more experience, the troopers were learning their enemies' movements and habits. Sure, they were getting a lot of information now, but without their Commander's little tutorial on the second floor, it would've been so much tougher.

"Alright," Rino brought her squad to a stop at the entrance to the fifth floor. "You've done great this far, but I know for a fact that on the other side of this wall is going to be the hardest challenge yet of this mission. Your shots are spot-on, so I'm not very worried. But still, Risk, you're going to stay behind with these three and help take the cannons. I'll go after Unim."

"What about you?" Tyson questioned quietly. Yeah, they were doing an amazing job hitting the glowing red targets in the center of the droids' heads. Plus, they'd all taken down plenty of the bastards with their bare-hands and the claws Molindi provided from the first two droids. The four of them could last quite a while on their own now. "With all due respect, sir, the seventh floor is going to be even tougher than this if the droids are defending Unim-"

"We don't have time to discuss this."  Rino cut him off. "The longer we talk, the more soldiers are shot and killed outside. The sooner you get to the cannons, the sooner you can help them. Don't worry about me, I've got this." Her concern and willingness to help the other soldiers surprised even them and her troops realized just how serious she was back on the gunship when she said just how much she cared about the clones. "I'm going to let you guys handle the One-eyes. While they're busy with you, I'm going to make a run for the next stairwell. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." They all nodded.

* * * * * * * * * *

She made sure to leave out the whole 'If I'm not back in fifteen minutes with the scientist, then I'm probably dead' speech. They didn't need to hear that right then. Instead, she wished them luck and kicked down the door between her troops and the battlefield that was the fifth floor. Tyson took the lead this time with Risk to his left and Axel to his right, while Breaks and Rino were the farthest ends of the formation.

The commander was right when she said the cannons were hard to miss. There were three of them- manually-operated with one seat and one barrel each, resting on the floor at the very edge of the room so they could shoot out what used to be windows. Sitting in each seat was a cyclops droid, along with the other two that accompanied each one. Nine claw-wielding demons in all. And this time, they actually had blasters. 

Using the element of surprise, a tactic they'd been relying on a lot on this mission, the soldiers shot and fired at each One-eye. In the first few rounds of blaster-fire, they managed to knock down two droids on their feet and one that'd been sitting at the nearest cannon. By then, the other clankers were aware of what was happening and shooting back. Old boxes and piles of science equipment sat scattered around the room, moved out of the way so the cannons could have plenty of room for their destruction. Stupid mistake for the droids, that gave them perfect cover.

"Take cover!"  Commander Rino shouted over the blaster fire. She tucked and rolled to the side, choosing a pile of metal crates to hide behind. Axel went for the same crates to escape the bolts of red shooting at them, while Tyson and Risk hid behind a large rectangular telescope-like device as tall as their hips. Breaks epicly slid across the floor on his side, simultaneously shooting at the enemy before disappearing behind another stack of crates.

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