PPS: Present Problem Solving

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     Amber didn't know what was happening around her. One second she was hollering, and the next second time seemed to slow down. She was just screaming at the top of her lungs one second, and the next second the time aaround her seemed to stop.

     "Amber, what do you need?" said a voice that she immediately recognized as Theophilos, the god of the heavens, and founder/ guadian of the Gemini.

     "Is it really you?" Amber sqeaked.

     Thunder rumbled around her, suggesting that Theophilos was laughing.

     "Of coarse I am, who else would I be?" He said .

     "What I need is to first heal my... friend Andy." Antonio coughed behind her "A d then I need to find the talismen to stop Zale and Livia from making the Adrastos the supreme Zodiac."

     "Hmm, but I thought that you were Adrastos yourself!" He mused.

     "But I belive that all Zodiacs are equal" Amber insisted.

     "How about this, "Theophilos suggested, "I will give you a riddle, I you can solve it, then I will give you the talisman, if you cannot, then... you will become my slave for eternity"(don't judge me)

     "I accept the riddle!" Amber stated confidently.

     "Are you crazy?!" Both Eevie and Antonio said at the same time

     "Here it goes: Take it, and you will lose or gain mkre than all others. What is it?" He said.

     Amber stopped and thought carefully. Her eternal fate depend on her answer. Hmm, she thought. What if you take it will get you more or less than others? Wasn't she doing that now? 

    "My answer is Risk" Amber said in a shaky voice.

     "Awww, you got it right!" Theophilos said glumly, "Here is the taklisman. Take it!"As fast as time had stopped, it started again.

     He dangled in front of her a stone strung on a leather rope to form a necklace. On it was the symbol of the Gemini. On the back it said: 

Guard this treasure, for many want it, but not all can use it.

     "Can you let me try it? Asked Marcus.

     "No, it won't work anyway, because you aren't Adrastos or Gemini" Eevie pointed out.

     "How about this, let's take it to Aaron and see how this works." Amber suggested

   "That's a good thought, but how are we gonna get Andy there?" Antonio said.

     Amber thought for a while. Earth was used to heal mostly, so Air should be able to levitate someone. The problem was, in class, they only levitated small objects, so lifting something that large as a human was gonna be hard.

     So Amber told the people around her(Eevie, Antonio, and Marcus) to all use air magic to lift Andy with them back to the others, where a Scorpio hopefully had a healing potion to help. With some force, the four of them were able to summon enough air magic to lift him up. They carried himover the smooth terrain of the plains towards the rest of the students. 

     Finally after a bit of walking/ levitating they reached the others. Amber walked around, asking if anyone has a spare healing potion. They reached Aaron after a while, he reached out and picked up the talisman, and looped it around his neck. All of a sudden, he seemed to glow, with a blue aura around him. Wordlessly, he leaned down and tapped Andy on the head. You could see the energy flowing out of Aaron and into Andy.

     Andy sat up with a gasp, he looked way better than he did 10 seconds ago. On the other side though, Aaron looked exhausted. Amber thought that they should stay put for the rest of the day, the sun was already setting, and all she wanted to do, was just lay down, and sleep.


  Waking up at the crack of dawn, Amber sat up and thought about the day ahead of her. She had to make sure of the following things, 

 1: No more people get killed/ injured/ captured.

2: Rishabh doesn't start a mutiny

3:She doesn't switch to the dark side

    With those goals in mind, she gathered the rest of the sixth years, told them the plan for the day,(more hiking) and with them behind her, set off for the ocean.


This chapter is dedicated to Marcus Momie, for being such a good sport😊

Thanks to all of you guys! Don't forget to keep on voting, reading, commenting, and being awesome!!!!

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