Chapter 11- Helloes

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Mr. Crepsley's P.O.V

KayLi had fallen asleep by my side. As she slept, we continued talking in low voices so as not to wake her. As I watched her sleeping soundly, I felt…..something. As I tried to recall where I felt that feeling before, it struck me. I had a soft spot for the girl. I know she was not my apprentice, and she was far from my daughter, but I loved her like the daughter I never had. I felt guilty for Darius that he could not be by his apprentice's side, and I missed Seba a bit too. Heck, at this point, I even missed Darren, that little brat of a Prince.

I sighed, remembering past memories with Darren and Seba. I thought about how worried I was when Darren had to endure the Trials, and I was sure Darius was feeling the same way about KayLi right now too. I would get KayLi back to Darius, no matter what. We are going to win this thing and go back to Vampire Mountain-

"Larten?" A voice called my name. It was Fleur. She seemed to be recovering, it was a bit of a shock whenever someone close to you died-

"Larten? What do you think?" I turned to the boy sitting on the right of me, with dark hair and brilliant green eyes, Nick Tempest, the boy KayLi met.

"I apologize, what were you saying?" I had been so absorbed in my memories I had tuned out of the talk.

"We were wondering about teaming up, the 5 of us. " Me, Max, Fleur, you and KayLi." He grinned. His grin looked a bit like Dennis Quaid's, that man from the movie about the world becoming Ice Age III,"The Day After Tomorrow". Darren had wanted to watch it, but he still looked young, so I had to accompany him, as it was a PG-18 film.

Teaming up, eh? I considered this. They all seemed trustworthy, and if I was to get KayLi back safe and sound to Darius, I might need all the help I can get.

"Alright, it is decided then. We shall join forces." I reached my decision.

"Cool." Nick grinned, and turned back to the conversation, as I drifted back into my memories…..

A while later, I think the final pair walked in. A few feet in, and a bell rang loudly as the lighting turned red, like in an emergency room. Everyone leapt to their feet, weapons out. KayLi had woken up by then, and thankfully was not feeling too groggy considering she just had a deep sleep.

Mr. Tiny walked in. He was clearly proud of the commotion he caused, and the attention we were all paying him.

"Weapons down, no need to salute me by standing up when I enter the room." He chuckled to himself. His laugh was never pleasant, it was as if he had practiced evil laughs in the mirror…

"So you're all here! Well, except John….he glanced apologetically at Fleur. John must have been the father." So 19 of you are here! Enough for a merry party, I daresay! Before we get the…festivities going," to this he smiled wickedly, "Let me tell you what you're expecting. First, each pair must go through a door, Fleur has to do her journey alone, I'm afraid. So as I was saying, each one of you and your partner will be going through specially assigned doors I've chosen for each of you, and you'll find a surprise on the other side. With that cleared up, enjoy the party! It's outside this door." he smiled as he walked out, leaving us in silence.

"Well, guess this means we can't team up after all," Nick grumbled. KayLi glanced curiously at what he meant, but I told her I would explain to her later.

"Right now, is to join the other room, as Mr. Tiny said. After the….party, then we will part ways. Come on." I led them out the room. KayLi fell in step beside me. "What did Nick mean earlier?"

"Oh, we thought it would be a good idea if Nick, Max, Fleur, you and me teamed up. Have each other's backs, get out of this safely." I smiled softly at her. I should not tell her I would get her out at all costs, she would not have let me risk my life for her. "Oh….." KayLi mouthed as she took it all in, "I guess if we meet again afterwards, we could team up with them then. IF." She returned my smile uneasily. "No, when we meet them again. We will get out of this, trust me." I smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder, assuring her we would be okay.

When we left the room, we had followed the recently lit trail of lights into a passage I had not noticed earlier. Eventually, we got to a much larger room. Mr. Tiny was already sitting at an end of the table, knife and fork poised, ready to eat. He gestured to his side. I sat down on his right, KayLi on the other side of me. When everyone was seated, Little People brought out the food.

We all sat there eyeing the food, when Mr. Tiny grabbed some chicken drumsticks and took a huge bite out of each one, grinning at us. "Come on, eat up, I wont poison you, why would I want to do that? Where would the fun be?" he said. "Here, have some lamb, Fleur. If I can eat it, so can all of you." With that, we all took some food cautiously and ate. Mr. Tiny did have a point. He would not have enjoyed quick, painless deaths. He was a dramatic man indeed.

The next day, when we were all rested, he led us wordlessly to a glowing portal awaiting. I noticed the portals changed colour every time a pair walked through. Nick had gone through a while earlier, and had said a hasty goodbye as he walked through bravely. I think KayLi like him. I chuckled quietly to myself, wondering how Darius would react if KayLi and Nick got together. Soon, it was our turn. The portal was red. "I noticed you two like red." Mr. Tiny grinned. "Alright then, off you go!" he said in a sing song tune. KayLi slipped her hand cautiously into mine. I gripped it, smiling at her. I was smiling a lot more now. "Come on, then!" I said as I led her into the portal.

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