6.Long-Lost Sister

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       ~Damon's P.O.V~

  "Shocked?" Katherine asked, hands on hips. I growled at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth. She smiled.

"I came here to see--." I cut her off.

"She doesn't want anything to do with you, Katherine." I stated. It was true after all.

"That's not true and you know it. She loves me, Damon." She said. Who was she fooling?

 "Whatever. You don't know a damn about her." I said,turning around to walk out the door. But, before I could, she said something that made me stop in my tracks. 

    "You only love her because she reminds you of me, you know?" She muttered. I whirled around.

   "That's not true, Katherine. I love her because she's....beautiful, kind, sarcastic, and most of all, nothing like you." I admitted.

    ~Kathleen's P.O.V~

          As I walked upstairs, I could hear arguing. I followed the voices and I regretted it. I gasped. I had to cover my eyes to be able to go into the bathroom. Luckily, Damon and that thing didn't notice me. I sighed. I really hoped I hadn't, because they both turned to look at me. I smiled at them nervously.

  "So....how're you doing?" I asked, still smiling. Like I cared how she was doing. After all, she never cared how Faye-my cousin- and I were doing when she abandoned us. But, Faye is long gone-literally. Hybrids attacked her and it was all over from there on. I cared so much for her. Tears swelled in my eyes.

   "Kathy, are you okay?" Damon asked, rubbing my back. I nodded, blinking so the tears would go back. I looked at my mom angrily. I fought the urge to rip her to shreds. Just to calm down, I leaned against the wall.

  "Kathleen, I'm so happy to see you!" Mom said, trying to hug me. I rolled my eyes.

 "Don't even think for one second that I'm just going to let you waltz in here and hug me. What Damon said was right. I don't want anything to do with you." I said, pushing her away. "Plus, I don't want to hug a naked person." I added.  She nodded.

  "Well, I must be going then." Mom said, grabbing her clothes and jumping out the window. You would think she would want to look decent before jumping out a window. But, that's just me. I shook my head and went into my room.

                  I gasped. Faye was sitting at my desk, reading something. This was unreal. Really unreal. I took a step closer to my desk, being careful. I was about to tap her on the shoulder when she turned the seat around to face me.

    "Kat! Oh my god, I am so happy! I haven't seen you since...since that time." She was about to cry. I could tell. I pulled her into a tight hug.

        "Faye, what--how--- how are you here? How are you alive?" I asked, pulling away. She chuckled.

         "You remember Emily Bennett don't you?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, when Katerina dragged you out of the house, Emily brung me back to life and cured me." She continued.

   "Oh. Well, you can camp out here if you want. I'm sure Damon won't kill you, but then again, I can't quite say that." I said, making her laugh. When she finally stopped laughing, she nodded. I thought for a second. I guess I should introduce her to Damon. I mean, what could go wrong?




       I spoke to soon.

                  "Damon, she isn't on Klaus's side. Even if she was, I wouldn't care. She isn't like that. Now, put the damn stake down and let her go." I said, trying to pull Damon off of Faye. He hissed at me and nearly plunged the stake into her heart. But, luckily, I got in front of her. Okay, not so lucky. 

          "Kathleen!" Damon shouted as I collapsed onto the floor. Time seemed to slow down just then. The world was spinning and my body hurt like hell. I let out an agonizing scream, clutching my stomach and curling into a ball. "Kathleen, are you okay?" Damon asked, at my side. I punched his arm. 

      "Do I look okay?!" I shouted although it came out as a whisper. He chuckled but then became serious. "Ugh. Go....get...Bonnie!" I said, straining. He nodded and disappeared.




                   "Okay, okay. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out." Bonnie said as she was doing pregnancy exercises. 

      "I said I'm dying, not pregnant!" I hissed at her. She put her hands up in surrender and then focused. I watched as she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and then placed her hands over my wound. A glowing light shined from them. All the pain went away in an instant. 

               All four of us smiled. I stood up, feeling kinda dizzy. Oh well. Damon looked worried. I chuckled. "I'm fine, Salvatore." I assured him. He rolled his eyes. Just to upset him, I hugged him. He grunted, making me squeeze him tighter. I swear I could hear him gasp for air. I let go, mocked his smirk then walked off. "My duty is done here." I said to myself, while looking back at him and smirking.

   "Well mine isn't." Damon said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and walked into my bedroom. 

         Tomorrow would be a busy day....I know it.

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