Chapter 15

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We were all once again back in the correct dimension. I was thankful to have friends like them. They still made me smile.

"Well I guess our journey in this dimension should be ending soon" I smiled.

"Well cmon we have to reach that mountain top. I think Aaron has the map" We walked back to the camp laughing.

When I saw the look on Garroth and Laurence's face I almost died of laughter. They looked like they've just seen the dead come back to life.

"How in the world ARE YOU GUYS STILL FRIENDS?" Garroth was confused as a chicken with his head cut off. It was hilarious, the gang and I were all on the floor laughing. "AND HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE!"

"We- We ca-can't d-die t-that eas-easily!" I said between laughs. The guys got even more confused so we only laughed harder.

After about 15 minutes of us dying, we finally asked Aaron about where we're heading.

"Well you see that mountain over there? The one that towers over the rest of them?" He pointed to a nearby mountain and may I say, it was tall.

"Yup! So let's get started!" I was excited. We gathered up all our supplies and head through the forest towards our destination. We barely talked and we just trudged through.

"Irene! When are we gonna get there!" Laurence complained.

"Actually there's a cave up ahead if you guys wanna rest there for a bit." Ross suggested.

"Sounds good to me"

We climbed up a bit more to cave. It wasn't damp and it didn't let the wind in so we decided we could make a fire and stay the night here.

"Ey Barney? What's for dinner." I was starving, I barely had breakfast.

"Dirts." He laughed then took out more bacon and CHOCOLATE!

"Barney! When did you get chocolate?" Yes my favorite, chocolate covered bacon.

"Hehehe" he evilly laughed.

I shrugged it off and looked to Aaron, "So how much longer?"

"Huh? Oh we should be there as soon as we reach the top. I believe that's where she is." He pointed outside to the top of the mountain. It wasn't that far, we could make in a day tops.

"Okay." I said plainly and went back inside. I looked around and saw the gang just joking around and making each other laugh, then I saw Garroth and Laurence. They didn't seem happy at all. Well I guess they're the reason I'm still here because of friendship stuff so I guess I could go talk to them. I slowly walk over to where they're sitting.


"Hello Aphmau"


"So um, why you guys look so sad?" I tried to sound sincere. To be honest I wanted to kill them after I got the power back but Sky and Jin voted against it.

"So as soon as we reach the top you'll be leaving?" Laurence continued to look down.

"Basically" I sat beside them.

"So we'll be losing you again?" Garroth asked.


"Then I can't allow you to get that power back" Laurence looked up and had a glint of red in his eyes.

"Woah there. Hey if I complete this mission and leave, you guys can go back to your daily lives, ruling villages and being lords. Isn't that what you guys want?" The glint was gone.

"No, our lives aren't complete without you. In the time you've been gone, we've been breaking. Why Aphmau? Why did you leave?" Laurence looked back down.

I gave in and sighed, "Well I'll be gone by tomorrow so I guess it's better now then never." I turned to Garroth. Honestly I didn't want to hurt him so I called over Sky and Ross to make sure it doesn't go the wrong way. They knew what could happen so they stayed and protected me. "Garroth look at me, this was a mission, it doesn't have anything due to my feelings." I sighed and he looked at me more intensely. I saw Sky and Ross stiffen up.
"Garroth, I killed your father."

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