((Im sorry if this sucks, I really wanna update and I wanna make sad shit and I do not know why...ALL THE SAD ENDS BRO!!))
Germany POV
Every night for the past few weeks I have been having these strange dreams lately...They were about a young boy who oddly and strangely enough looks like a younger me with an Italian accent and other small girl who was definitely Italian and spoke in a voice that I cant help but love. Anyhow, the dreams seemed more like memories of a distant past I couldn't remember. Whenever I woke up I just remember who was in the dream, never the dream itself. I started to think about the boy and the girl and how they look. The little Italian girl...she was the cutest thing in the world honestly, she wore a green maids outfit and carried a push broom all the time, constantly as far as I remember. Her eyes always closed and chocolate brown hair. But the boy is the one that keeps getting to me, his looks just look too similar to mine. The icy, piercing, baby blue eyes, the blonde hair; the only thing that might be off is the voice. I find it quite odd...wait what am I doing now?
I snap back into reality and find I was in the middle of a jog and I bump into a pole, turns out I was on a jog with Italy for training cause I can hear the pitter patter of his footsteps quickly approaching me.
"G-Germany! Germany are you a-okay? You seemed a bit out of it and I tried calling out to a- you but you just kept going faster and faster the more I called!" Italy panted as he spoke with worry.
"Ja I am fine, I vas just zhinking too much about...somezhing but dont vorry I am fine." I spoke a bit softly.
"Oh? What were you a-thinking about? How about we talk about it over pasta!~" Italy begged a bi.
I thought for a second 'maybe I do need something to clear this all from my mind, its been stressing me out lately.
"J-ja lets go out to eat und I vill tell jou about it, no harm in doing zhat hopefully" I sigh a bit and get up, holding my head with my gloved hand.
'You shouldnt be letting these things get to your head, there is more important things to think about than a string of dreams...more like memories that I forget in the end...
I get up and brush myself off, i grab my cap, slick back my hair again and put on my cap. "Vell lets get going now,I bet jou are starving."
"Si now lets a-hurry"
He takes my hand and I get a sudden memory again like the dreams. The warmth of his hand felt too familiar. My eyes shut closed and I see the little kids again, touching or rather holding each other hands. The warmth of Italy's hand seemed to feel like the little Italian girl in the dream.
I snapped out of it immediately
"Right right jou vant pasta,lets go"
Italy POV
After a while of walking and a couple of moments of Germany dozing off we made it to the restaurant. For a while now he seems to be more stand offish and too lost in thought as if he was constantly thinking about something. Something seemed like it was bothering him so i decided to ask him about it while we were eating. To me it seemed like a good time since he couldn't run, yell, or anything like that. After the waiter took out orders and left I decided it would be perfect to talk now.
"So uh Germany...something seem to be on your a-mind lately. Can you tell me about it please"
"Hmm? I don't know vhat jour talking about I am completely fine...." I could see through him. I felt I knew more about him than he knew about himself.
Hetalia One-Shots
FanfictionI have mental issues I know it now. This is how you know I need Jesus. Some cute, some sad , and a bit of smut Im sure