They Don't Know About Us

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"Al!" My dad called from the car. I rolled my eyes, and turned around to face him. He blew me a kiss and the car rolled down the street. I rolled my eyes, embarrassed.I waved back at him as he drove away and dragged my suitcases up to the big building of Westminster college.

As I got in, I was greeted by a girl in a light grey uniform. "Welcome to Westminister College, can I help you find where you need to go?" I smiled awkwardly but declined and continued on my way to my new room. Finally, I got to my floor and I had no trouble finding my room. I opened it up, hoping to be alone for a few minutes, but my hopes came to a quick crash when I found my roommate already there. I'm sure she's nice, but I could of used a few moments for myself. I guess I'm going to have to get used to someone constantly being in my room for the rest of my college years.

"Hi." I awkwardly muttered. She quickly spun around from unpacking her things. "Hey! I didn't notice you come in! I'm Grace!" She walked towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "I'm...Alice. But you can call me Al." I smiled as she pulled away from me. I walked to the empty bed and dropped my suitcases onto it.

"What brings you to the art and music dorms?" She asked the nicest way possible. "I want to major in music producing." I simply said, unpacking my things and stuffing it into a drawer. There was a knock at the door which startled me but I saw Grace was busy and decided to be a good roommate and open the door. I opened it up to see an attractive, tall guy about my age with curly brown hair, black sunglasses and dimples as he smiled down at me.

"Um, hi?" I said, not sure if I should let him in or not. He chuckled at me and looked past me. "Babe, I got your suitcase" He pushed past me and went up to Grace and kissed her lips. I stood there, unsure of what to do. "Alice, this is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, this is my roommate, Alice." Grace finally said after they finished kissing. "Call me Al." I went to shake his hand but he just looked at me, quickly scanning my body and looking back to Grace. Wow. What a pig.

I finished unpacking my clothes and went on to my decorations. I put up my poster of New York City in black and white on my side of the room. The rules said you could put up any thing you'd like as long as you didn't use nails or thumbtacks. I then proceeded to putting my favorite tea mugs on my shelf and putting my makeup on my desk. I looked into the mirror of the room and fixed my red beanie and wiped away the smudge of my eyeliner. I turned around to see that Harry boy looking at me with a smirk on his face. Grace was nowhere to be seen.

"What?" I asked him. He sighed and got closer to me. "Don't take this the wrong way- Actually, do take this the wrong way..How did you even get in here?" He asked, the words hitting me like rocks. "What do you mean?" I asked, playing stupid.

"You only have two suitcases, for one. You do realize you're spending all your college life here? So either you were too stupid to think of that or that's all you could afford." He crossed his arms front of his chest, raised an eyebrow at me and waited for my answer. "Look, I don't want to talk about it. Especially not with you." I spat at him,spun around, and got ready to head out the door but he grabbed my arm and held onto me. "Tell me." He growled. "I'm not going to tell you!" I yelled back, yanking my arm away.

"What's going on??" I heard Grace's innocent voice call from behind me. Harry quickly moved towards her and acted like the perfect, loving and nice boyfriend that Grace thought he was. "Nothing. Alice was on the phone with her father. I'm guessing they got in a fight?" He asked trying to sound concerned, but looked towards me with a dark look on his face. "I um...Yeah. It's nothing to worry about though." I said quietly, intimidated by Harry.

Grace nodded her head and they both left the room. I sighed and plopped down on my bed. I hope I don't ever have to see that boy again! He's rude and just plain old bad. I looked over at the time and realized it was five o'clock which means it was time for dinner in the dinning hall. I slipped on my black converse and walked down the hall and down the stairs. I found the sign saying "Dinner hall" and followed it.

There was a bit of a line up but it wasn't long until I was able to grab some food. With my tray of food, I tried to find a spot somewhere. "Alice!" I heard someone call me. I looked around and saw Grace waving her arms around for me to see her. I smiled and made my way towards her. I sat down on the bench next to her which was when I saw that Harry was  sitting on the other side of her. I avoided looking at him. Instead, I stared at my beef stew which was calling my name.

After eating, I decided I would just head up to my room, call my dad and then go to bed early since classes start. I dialed my fathers number once I got back to my room and put the phone to my ear. After the third ring, he answered. "Hey baby girl" His voice echoed in my ear. "Hey dad. I just wanted to say thanks. I know it's been hard paying for all this..." I drifted off, not knowing what to say next.

"Hon, don't worry about it. We'll get back on our feet. The scholarship helped a lot too thanks to your gifted talent."  I sniffled, trying so hard not to cry. "Yeah, I know that the scholarship helped. I know things are hard now that Mom died but you've been so helpful and supportive and I just love you, Dad." I clenched my jaw, fighting back tears. "I know bud. Its okay. I love you." And with that, we both hung up.

"I knew it." Harry's voice said as he slammed the door shut. I quickly stood up "What are you doing here, Harry? You aren't supposed to be in the girls building!" I yelled at him. He crossed his arms in front of him. "I could say that I got lost. This is our first day after all." He smiled evilly at me and just stood there, not saying a word.

"What are you doing here, anyways?" I asked. He licked his lips and looked around the room. "Why are you here, Alice?" He asked me, just like when he asked me the exact same question earlier. "Why not?" I answered dumbfounded. "Everyone else here can actually afford going to school. And you? Can you even afford your own house?" He laughed. The words hurt, alot. I hate talking about the financial condition I'm in right now and I hate when Harry talks to me. All the words that come out of his mouth is rude. "Can you just get out, please?" I begged, not wanting to cry in front of him. He sighed and nodded the head.

"I do as the lady wants" He said, exiting, closing the door behind him. I wondered where Grace was but then again, she was probably in the library as she told me she was going to be there.I slipped under the blankets of my bed, too upset to change. I took out my mother's locket from under my shirt and admired it's beauty. It was the last thing she gave to me before she...died. I closed my eyes to stop the flowing tears and tried to fall into a dreamless sleep.

How do you guys like the first chapter? Shout out goes to @BrooksJade for writing the first chapter to our new fanfic! @weiberg44 and @BrooksJade are the co-writers for this new story and we look forward to writing this for you guys and working together(:

We are going to try and update every week, thanks!

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