Chapter Four

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I let out an angry groan as my alarm went off. I looked up at it with my eyes barely open, eight am. My first class started at ten but I wanted time to make sure I had time to get there knowing I would get lost. Being that it was first day of school I wanted to make a little bit of a good impression. Gross, I think Grace's girlyness is growing on me. I picked out a pink Little Mermaid crop top and light aqua colored jeans. I grabbed my shower bag, towel, and clothes and went off to shower.

When I got to the shower room it was a lot more busier than usual. To my luck the last shower was not occupied so I quickly put my belongings on the rack and stripped down. I was still afraid from the last experience I had in here so I tried to be as quick as possible. I scrubbed my body probably three times just to try and get rid of anything that was on me from last night. I shuddered at the thought of Louis and Zayn, no matter how attractive they might be I can already tell all those guys are is trouble.

Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and looked out to make sure my clothes didn't get stolen again. I sighed in relief and changed into them. I used my towel to dry my hair off and went back to my dorm to finish getting ready. I quickly put on my usual makeup and put on some red vans, a purple scarf, and my leather jacket. By the time I was finished getting ready it was already almost nine so I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door.

Surprisingly I found the arts building with no trouble at all. Since I had a little bit of time I stopped at a small coffee stand and waited in line. I stood in the line for a few minutes when I finally realized who was in front of me. "Shit." I cursed to myself aloud. There is no way I am getting out of line now but after last night the last thing I want to is talk to Zayn. Of course with me and my big mouth he turned around to face me.

"Oh. Uh, Alice right?" He asked, rubbing his neck. His eyes had dark circles under them but they were still mesmerizing. "Al." I corrected him, not sure what to do in this situation. "Al, right. You were at the party last night, weren't you?" Is this guy serious? He was trying to get in my pants and he can't remember if I was there?!

"Yep." I answered flatly. His face dropped at my response, good.

"I just wanted to apologize for you know.." His cheeks flushed. I could tell he didn't want to bring the subject up but after what he tried doing he deserves this. "..for coming onto you like that. I guess I was just drinking a bit too much and I just couldn't control myself after seeing such a pretty girl." Oh great, now my cheeks are burning up. "Am I forgiven?" I looked into his dark brown eyes again and he actually looked sincere.

I sighed, "I guess. But only because you called me pretty." We both laughed and I playfully nudged him.

"Let me make it up to you by buying your drink?" I was hesitant at first but agreed. "Great, what do you want?" He flashed me a bright smile and I couldn't help but return it.

 "Just a regular coffee is fine, thank you." I gave him a small smile and he nodded. He was the next person in line so he took our order. Wait a minute, wasn't it just yesterday this guy was making fun of me and then trying to get with me? Now thinking about it I am not sure I should trust him, even if he did apologize. My smile faded as he turned to give me a drink. "Thanks again for the coffee." I mumbled and started to walk.

"Wait, Al!" I heard him chase after me. Once he caught up to me he lightly put his hand on my shoulder. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"I just realized I am going to be late for class." I lied. I know I have plenty of time still but I really didn't trust Zayn all that much.

"Oh, okay." He paused. "What class?" Can this guy not take a hint?! I tried to let out a deep breath as quietly as possible so he didn't think I was mad. "Music of the Ages, why?" I practically snapped at him.

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