Chapter Six

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"What do you want now Harry? Here to see how else you can treat me like shit?" I snapped at him. What I said must of shocked him based on the priceless look on his face.

"I don't treat you like shit" He argued back.

"You have got to be kidding me. The nicest thing I have ever heard you say to me is when you were making fun of me in class!" I shouted.

"I am not that mean to you." He defended himself.

"Bullshit. You might at well just leave because whatever you are going to say I am not going to hear it." There was no way I was going to just let Harry walk all over me and treat me like crap. Not today, not again.

"Maybe if you weren't annoying all the time I wouldn't have to be so mean to you!" His voice quickly rose back up, making me jump. "You know what, fuck it. I can't believe I actually felt bad for you." There he goes, making me feel even worse about myself.

Wait, what? "You felt bad for me?" The words felt even weirder coming out of my mouth. There is no way this rude, arrogant guy who goes out of his way just to make me feel like complete shit actually cared.

"Yeah, okay! Maybe for a second I did but now you are starting to make me regret it." He confessed.

Harry actually felt bad for me. Tell me I am dreaming.

"God stop giving me that stupid look. Forget I ever came here, got it?" He didn't wait for me to respond as he stormed off to his car. I don't even know how to feel right now. Is it possible Harry might have a heart? I have never been so shocked in my life. I mean sure he wasn't exactly nice to me just now but the thought of him actually thinking about what happened and feeling bad for what he said to me is too good to be true.

 After standing in the middle of the sidewalk realization finally hit me that people were really starting to stare. Good thing I don't know anyone here. I made my way to room and collapsed on my bed right away, not bothering to even take off my shoes. Instead of thinking about the already eventful day I had I decided to let sleep over come me.

"Alice." A female voice hummed in my ear. "Alllicce!" The voice got louder and I soon recognized it as my roommate. I groaned loudly and shifted in my bed.

"Grace, the next time you try and wake me from a deep sleep I will not hesitate to rip out every little blonde hair from your pretty little head." I threatened her. She gasped but laughed at my actions.

"You never fail to amuse me, Alice. Now will you get up now? I am bored and couldn't wait for you to wake up any longer." Grace complained.

I slowly sat up on my bed and faced Grace who had a beaming smile on her face. "What time is it?" I asked trying to look at my phone but my vision was still blurry.

"About three in the afternoon. So since you are getting up want to go shopping with me?" She practically begged. I burst out in a fit of laughter at the thought. "What is so funny?"

"I hate shopping, I am horrible at picking out clothes and it takes too long." That and I know with her it would be a multiple hour affair.

"Come on, I can help you pick out clothes! I can even pay for your clothes if you come." This girl just does not want to give up. Her comment about paying for my clothes reminded me of Harry and I started to grow irritated at the thought of him.

"I can pay for my own clothes." I grumbled.

"So will you go?" She spoke, ignoring my comment.

"You are so lucky I have to go shopping anyway." I gave in returning a squeal from Grace making my ears practically bleed. "No more squealing, though." I warned her and she quickly obeyed. "Just let me try to tame this beast of a hairdo and everything and we can go."

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