part two

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I think that day was the only day in my entire Junior year of high school that I actually wanted the class to end more than anything in the world. I let my curiosities get the best of me and didn't retain any knowledge of whatever the dumb video was about. All I could think about the entire class period was what Luke meant when he said that I was his -so called- date

When the ending bell rang I didn't waste one second waiting around to say goodbye to my teacher. I shoved my notebook and pen in my bag without thinking about the fact they were probably being crushed by the many other things I had accumulated over the past few hours from teachers and 'friends' and things from my locker.  I just threw my stuff in my bag, zipped it up, waved to my teacher, and caught up to Luke. God, he was so quick to just leave. I mean, so was I, but I had a reason. A good reason. 

" Hey! Just where do you think you're going?! "I yelled over the bustle of teens in the hall, losing sight of Luke as I ran past classrooms and people, not even acknowledging the fact that they were trying to say things to me. As much as I would love to talk to people, I needed to keep my eye on Luke. I could not lose him. He wasn't really expecting me -of all people he knew- to just go with what he said did he? I'm not that easy, he should already have this information in his brain.  

I knew he had heard me when I yelled for him, he was just playing hard to get, and let me just say, he was really good at it. Way to piss everyone off. I may not be very good at playing hard to get, but I am very good at being annoying. So I did what I do best and annoyed the crap out of Luke until he stopped just before the front entrance of the school to give me a few more details as to what was exactly happening between the two of us later that night. 

" What do you mean date? " I asked, trying to catch my breath from the running and yelling I had been doing. Don't get me wrong, I was flattered that he wanted me to his date for whatever it was, but at the same time I was probably the most confused I had ever been in my entire life.

" You'll see. Do you and your mom still live across from that gas station on 5th avenue? " He showed a smile and adjusted his backpack straps. He was actually serious..  But I nodded, and let him continue his little scheme. " Great, I'll pick you up at nine tonight. It'll be fun. Wear something comfortable.. Not your normal nerdy clothes. K, I'll see you then. Bye. " He then walked out of the front doors of the school and into his nice car with his douchie best friend Michael and drove off. Leaving me in awe and waiting for my mom to come pick me up because she's almost always late to everything, and decided to be late today. Thanks mom. 

Now I'm stuck here in the humid, 90 degree weather with my backpack filled with school supplies and such from my overcrowded locker. I decided, maybe since my mother was more late than she usually was ( as I had been waiting for almost 30 minutes now ) that I should perhaps call her. So I did. I whipped out my phone from my back pocket and skimmed through my unusually long contact list until I found her name. I clicked on her title and let it ring for about one minute before realizing she probably wouldn't pick up. She was on vacation with my step-dad in London. I was in charge of getting myself to and from school today.

I. Am. An. Idiot.

So, since I was at school for so long after the last bell rang, I couldn't bare the thought of calling one of my friends and making them come pick me up at school, just after leaving for winter break, I decided to walk to 5 blocks up hill to my house. Yeah, that's right, up hill. I really should have called someone.. Hell, I could have asked one of the teachers that were finishing up their cleaning to take me home. But oh well, at this point I've already started up the first hill.

---- one hour later ----

I finally made it to my house after an hour of walking. Because it was so hot, and I didn't really give two shits if someone saw me, I took off my shirt to reveal my black Adidas sports bra and continued to walk the rest of the way only 20 minutes into my walk. By the time I got to my small 2 room house covered in flowers and chipping pastel yellow paint it was already 5 o'clock. I still didn't know what Luke was taking me to, but I needed  a shower desperately and I wanted my hair and makeup to look nice despite the fact I rarely wear it. Plus, it was going to take me a little while to figure out what I was going to wear to this thing if I couldn't wear my usual 'nerdy clothes'.

So as soon as I unlocked the front door I dropped my backpack and ran to the bathroom, peeled my sweaty clothes off, turned the shower handle to the coldest setting and took the fastest shower I had ever taken in my entire life. I just scrubbed my body with the bar of soap that was so thin it nearly disintegrated in my hand, and messily washed my hair with a jumble of shampoo and conditioner and then tripped out of the deep shower basin. I wrapped a towel around my body and ran out into the living room to get my phone to look up makeup and outfits on Tumblr and when I found one that fit my liking, I took screenshots of the refernce photo and sprinted back into the bathroom to dry my hair, leaving puddles and droplets of water all over the soft carpet and walls as I did so. 

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